
A email verifier for csv files

csv, email-purifier, pip, python, website
pip install epurifier==0.1.1


Email Purifier

KWoC 2018

KWoC Communicaton: Join the chat at https://gitter.im/epurifier/Lobby

A KISS(Keep It Stupid Simple) email validator for csv files

To install the script locally use:

To install the program run

$ pip install todx

If you are using Ubuntu run this instead:

$ pip3 install todx

If the installation of pandas fails due to user permissions, you can either use sudo or install using the --user parameter.

To validate and store the emails in a csv file run:

epurifier <input file> <output file>

And tackle with the invalid emails through keyboard.

Note that both input and Output files should be in csv format

If you clone the repo you can extend the code, to install the cloned repo as a package, run:

pip install -e .

Now, editing the files in the local folder will reflect systemwide installation of epurifier so you can use the epurifier with your modified parameters.

Also, to extend the valid emails you can either pass them when you create the EmailPurifier class as

import email_checker as ec
emails_to_check = [
    # Your emails
additional_valid_emails = [
    # add only domain names such as 'google.com'
emil = ec.EmailPurifier(emails_to_check, additional_valid_emails)

By default it adds the passed additional emails to a list of top 10 valid emails present in valid_emails.py If for some reason you want to only use the additional emails and don't want emails from valid_emails you can pass the argument onlyAdditional=True to override the behavior.