
An experiment in spidemics as signals

pip install epydemic-signals==0.1.1


epydemic-signals: Epidemics as signals



epydemic-signals is an experiment in treating epidemic processes on networks as "signals" that can be analysed using the tools of signal processing, discrete algebra, and algebraic topology. It is closely integrated with the epydemic epidemic process simulator.

A graph signal associates a value with each node in a network at each point in time during the execution of a process. The signal can change at each event in the process' evolution.

epydemic already provides some monitoring of processes, and further monitoring can be added either by sub-classing the different processes or by adding additional process instances. epydemic-signals provides a third approach: tapping the raw event streams of simulations into one or more signal generators that can be used to construct time-varying signals derived from the process. The result is one or more time series, which are saved to epyc notebooks alongside other experimental results.


You can install epydemic-signals directly from PyPi using pip:

pip install epydemic-signals

The master distribution of epydemic-signals is hosted on GitHub. To obtain a copy, just clone the repo:

git clone git@github.com:simoninireland/epydemic-signals.git
cd epydemic
pip install .

Author and license

Copyright (c) 2021--2022, Simon Dobson <simoninireland@gmail.com>

Licensed under the GNU General Public Licence v3.