
A command line tool that writes an Elasticsearch index mapping for a PostgreSQL database table.

python, psycopg2, elasticsearch, mapping
pip install es-map-writer==1.0.0a4


ES Map Writer

Build Status PyPI version

A command line tool that writes an Elasticsearch index mapping for a PostgreSQL database table.

  • Compatible with:
    • Python 3.5
    • Elasticsearch 2.3.2
    • PostgreSQL 9+


pip install es-map-writer

How To Use:

For help:

  • mapwrtr --help

    Help menu:

    Usage: mapwrtr [OPTIONS]
     --database-url TEXT   Postgres URI.
    --file-path TEXT      Output file destination folder.
    --table-name TEXT     Postgres table the mapping is being written for.
    --index-name TEXT     Elasticsearch index name. Will default to the table
                         name if blank.
    --document-type TEXT  Elasticsearch document type.
    --help                Show this message and exit.

File name format: [table_name]

Example: We have a table named "superheroes" that we plan on creating an index for on an Elasticsearch node. mapwrtr --database-url=postgres://pguser:pgpass@localhost:5432/mydb --file-path=/home/me/myapps/mapping --table-name=superheroes --document-type=superhero_doc

This will generate a mapping for my index in /home/me/myapps/mapping/

Now when I'm creating (or updating) my superheroes index, I can import the mapping that was generated. If I need to add some custom analyzers and tokenizers, I can do that too.


  • --database-url must be in the Postgres URI format postgres://user:pass@host:port/database
  • --file-path must be an absolute path eg /home/me/Documents/myapp/esmapping