
Eve Negotiable authentication

eve, api, rest, auth, http
pip install eve-negotiable-auth==0.9.5



An auth module for Eve. Allows for easy configuration and handling of multiple auth schemes - including schemes like Digest which require "negotiation".

NegotiableAuth is an abstract base class. It uses the authparser library, which parses the Authorization: header and dispatches to handlers. As a result, there is only one function to override:

process_claims(claims, allowed_roles, resource, method) This is where you will use the passed to set up the Eve authorization context (e.g. calling set_request_auth_value()).

  • claims - a dict of name-value pairs containing the claims provided by the scheme handlers, derived from parsing the Authorization: header
  • allowed_roles - the user's allowed roles, passed through from BasicAuth
  • resource - the resource being requested
  • method - the HTTP verb of the request
  • Return True/False whether the user is authenticated.

When NegotiableAuth calls AuthParser, it passes the following kwargs: get_user_record() - passed through to the scheme's user_record_fn

  • allowed_roles
  • resource
  • method
  • request

get_challenge_header() - passed through to the scheme's challenge_fn

  • request