
Early stopping with exponential variance elmination

Optimization, Machine, Learning
pip install evestop==0.1


Exponential Variance Elimination

A better early stopping strategy for iterative optimization problems like, say, training deep neural networks.

How early stopping usually works

while iters_since_record <= patience:
    quality = measure_quality()

    if quality > best_quality:
        best_quality = quality
        iters_since_record = 0

This method has an important failure mode:

  1. Early in the optimization process one unusually good (but far from optimal) result is obtained due to a fortunate coincidence.
  2. The optimization continues for patience steps, but the outlier isn't superceded.
  3. The training is stopped early, because of one outlier and despite a clear positive trend.

How EVE works

while iters_since_record <= patience:
    quality = measure_quality()
    smoothed_quality = smoothed_quality * smoothing + quality * (1 - smoothing)

    if smoothed_quality > best_smoothed_quality:
        best_smoothed_quality = smoothed_quality
        iters_since_record = 0

This early stopping method tracks the exponential moving average of the variable instead of the variable itself, thus the training is stopped when positive trend stops.

How to use this package

Start with

pip install evestop

If you're using keras, just replace tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping callback with our evestop.kerascb.EarlyStopping

If you're writing the optimization loop yourself, create the early stopping rule (make sure to set mode to 'min' if the vairable is being minimised):

from evestop.generic import EveEarlyStopping
eve = EveEarlyStopping(baseline=0, patience=1000, moothing=0.75, min_delta=0, mode='max')

And start optimizing your favourite variable with your favourite optimization algorithm. At every iteration you should call eve.register(measurement), then check eve.proceed attribute. If early stopping is called for, it will be False. See examples for more information.