
Experiment control application

experiment, automation, GUI
pip install exopy==0.1.0


Exopy: versatile data acquisition software for complex experiments

Build Status Coverage Documentation Status Code quality (Codacy) Conda package

Exopy is a versatile data acquisition software. It provides an extensible set of tools to describe an perform data acquisition. Each measurement is described by a hierarchical structure, allowing simple nested loops structure and more complex ones involving multiple non nested loops and conditions. The hierarchy is edited through a Graphical User Interface, allowing a smooth learning curve. The elementary brick used in the hierarchy is referred to as a task. Each task can read and write values from a common data structure allowing for easy communication between tasks and a high level of custimization despite the use of a GUI. Furthermore, one can specify at the level of each tasks if it should be executed in a different thread and how it should behave with respect to other tasks running in threads. The application design make it easily customizable on a per lab basis while benefitting from a common architecture.

For more details see the documentation: http://exopy.readthedocs.io/


The easiest way to install Exopy is through conda :

conda install exopy -c exopy