
Package for processing images for Instagram upload.

pip install export-ig==1.0.0


Export Images for IG

Add padding around image, drop shadows.

How to Use

Install packages.

pip install export_ig


export_ig --input_path "*.jpg" --output_folder padded/ --subfolder \
    --aspect_ratio 4x5 --shadow_offset 32 --radius 12 --shadow_color gray \
    --pad 100 --bg_color white \
    --n_jobs 10
  • input_path: glob string for input files. When using wildcard (*), make sure to wrap it in quotes so that it does not get expanded by bash.
  • output_folder: folder to contain processed images.
  • subfolder: when set, the output_folder is created within the input_path folder.
  • aspect_ratio: aspect ratio of output image. Auto adjusted for portrait and landscape. Should be separated by "x".
  • shadow_offset: offset for shadow (in pixels). negative number leads to shadow on top-left diagonal of the image.
  • radius: blur radius for the shadow.
  • shadow_color: can be either hex string value (with or without #) or color names in {white, black, gray}
  • bg_color: color for the padded background.
  • pad: amount (in pixels) to pad.
  • n_jobs: how many threads to use.


Before After
taxi padded