
A helper for encrypting bytes

crypt, encrypt, decrypt, key, iv, easy
pip install ezcrypt==1.0.0



A python module for AES that works well together with the javascripts CryptoJS.

Python side

The python code mainly uses pycrypto


pip install ezcrypt


import ezcrypt
# Generate Key and iv
key, iv = ezcrypt.generate_key_iv()

string = 'Hello, World!'
# Encrypt (Returns bytes object) 
encrypted = ezcrypt.encrypt(string.encode(), key, iv)

# Decrypt (Returns bytes object)
decrypted = ezcrypt.decrypt(encrypted, key, iv)

The Crypt class

from ezcrypt import Crypt

# Crypt generates 32 random bytes at initiation
# That it uses as the encryption key and IV
# To use custom key and IV use Crypt(key=custom_key, iv=custom_iv)
# Make sure they are two bytes objects each of length 16
crypt = Crypt()

string = 'Hello, world!'
encrypted_string = crypt.encrypt(string.encode())
decrypted_string = crypt.decrypt(encrypted_string)

CryptString and CryptBytes

Adds methods for encryption and decryption to str or bytes objects. CryptString works with str objects while CryptBytes works with bytes objects (more efficient than CryptString)

from ezcrypt import CryptString, generate_key_iv
key, iv = generate_key_iv()
string = CryptString('Hello, world!')

encrypted = string.encrypt(key, iv)
decrypted = encrypted.decrypt(key, iv)

RSA encryption

The RSA class is just a collection of pycrypto modules with some extra data/key handling functionality.

from ezcrypt import RSA
# Generating RSA key pair
private_key = RSA.generate(bits=1024)
public_key = private_key.publickey()

# Encrypting a message
cipher = RSA.cipher(key)
data = b'Hello, world!'
encrypted = cipher.encrypt(data)

# Decrypting a message
decrypted = cipher.decrypt(encrypted)

# Importing key
key1 = RSA.importKey(string) # From string
key2 = RSA.key_from_file(path) # From file
key3 = RSA.key_from_int(integer) # From integer

# Exporting key
string = key.exportKey() # To string
integer = RSA.key_to_int(key) # To int

Generating and importing keys are done using pycryptos RSA functions RSA.generate and RSA.importKey. Exporting keys are done using key.exportKey().

JavaScript side


npm install ez-crypt

A simple example

ezcrypt = require('ez-crypt');

var crypt = new ezcrypt.Crypt(),
    string = 'Hello, world!',
    encrypted = crypt.encrypt(string),
    decrypted = crypt.decrypt(encrypted);

console.log('String to encrypt: ' + string);
console.log('Key: ' + crypt.key_str);
console.log('IV: ' + crypt.iv_str);
console.log('Encrypted string: ' + encrypted);
console.log('Decrypted string: ' + decrypted);

The Crypt class variables

Variable Description Requirements Default
key They encryption/decryption key A string containing 32 random hex numbers 32 random hex numbers
iv The initialization vectior A string containing 32 random hex numbers 32 random hex numbers
mode The cryptographic method Modes from the crypto-js package mode.CFB
padding The method used for padding Padding types from the crypto-js package pad.Pkcs7