A WSGI app that allows you to add another factor of authentication to any application server.

mutli, factor, authentication, 2factor, mutl-factor, auth, auth_tkt, google, otp
pip install factored==4.0.8



Factored is a comprehensive 2-factor authentication system that works with any web technology. It intercepts the web request and makes sure the user does not see anything unless they first authenticate, seamless to any webapplication. It is compatible with NGINX, Apache Traffic Server and any app that uses LUA or WSGI.

Read the docs


For implementation, customizations or the factored manager product that centralizes factored configuration, please contact us at https://wildcardcorp.com info@wildcardcorp.com 715.869.3440

Original work by wildcardcorp.com

Notes on Requirements

If you wish to use the LDAP auto user finder, then you need:

  • python-ldap python library
  • libldap2-dev system library
  • libsasl2-dev system library

If you wish to use sqlite (IE to get the default dev settings to work), then you need:

  • libsqlite3-dev system library