
A python package that allows the user to annotate corpuses for FastText

pip install fasttextannotator==1.0.0



Annotates corpuses for use in FastText over a Command Line Interface.

CircleCI PyPi version

Raison D'Γͺtre πŸ’­

This allows a large corpus to be annotated easily using a command line interface for purposes of being used in a FastText supervised classifier.

Architecture πŸ“

fasttext-annotator has a very simple architecture that basically reads each line of the file fed to it, and asks the user for an annotation given the options provided to it via the command line.

Dependencies 🌐

Installation πŸ“₯

You can install this via the PyPi package manager, or manually.


  1. Run python --install

Via Pypi

  1. Run pip install fasttextannotator

Usage example πŸ‘€

In order to annotate a corpus of text, execute the following:

fasttextannotator [corpus-file] [output-file] [labels...]

You will then be presented with a line of text from the corpus, and a range of options based on the labels you provided.

License πŸ“

The project is available under the MIT license.


  • Icon in README banner is text by Chameleon Design from the Noun Project.