
Export RSS Feed as different outputs: Wordpress, MongoDB

crawler, feed, rss, wordpress
pip install feed-to-exporter==1.0.3


Feed to Wordpress Post

This project allow to get RSS Feed and create new Wordpress post from them.


Wordpress Mode

  • You must install the Wordpress plugin: Application Passwords
  • You must create a new Application Password
  • Python 3.6 or above

mapping.json format

Wordpress Mode

The mapping file has this format:

  "feed": "http://www.xxxx.es/blogs/xxxx/feed/",
  "exportMethod": "wordpress",
  "mapping": {
    "body": "summary"
  "fixed": {
    "tags": ["one", "two", "general"],
    "categories": [
        "category": "subcategory",
        "parent": "top-category"
    "post_status": "publish"

Mongo Mode

  "feed": "http://www.xxxx.es/blogs/xxxx/feed/",
  "exportMethod": "mongo",
  "fixed": {
    "categories": [
        "category": "subcategory",
        "parent": "top-category"

Mapping key

mapping indicates how f2e must match the input feed values to the wordpress result.

  • Left values of mapping will be the variables names of exported objects.
  • Right values are the key names in feed where f2e must map to the output.

For example:

Suppose this RSS:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<rss version="2.0">
        <title>Trabajo y empleo - BOE - Boletín Oficial del Estado</title>
        <description>Legislación relativa a Trabajo y empleo ingresada en los últimos dos meses en la base de datos del Boletín Oficial del Estado</description>
        <pubDate>Mon, 06 Aug 2018 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
        <lastBuildDate>Mon, 06 Aug 2018 14:55:03 +0200</lastBuildDate>
          <title>Pleno. Sentencia 78/2018, de 5 de julio de 2018. Recurso de inconstitucionalidad 3720-2017. Interpuesto por el Presidente del Gobierno en relación con los artículos 13 y 36 de la Ley 10/2016, de 27 de diciembre, del presupuesto de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía para el año 2017. Competencias sobre ordenación general de la economía, hacienda general y función pública: nulidad parcial del precepto legal autonómico relativo a la oferta de empleo público de 2017 u otro instrumento similar de gestión de la provisión de necesidades de personal (STC 142/2017). Voto particular.</title>
          <description>Tribunal Constitucional - Publicado el 06/08/2018 - Referencia: BOE-A-2018-11276</description>
          <guid isPermaLink="true">http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2018/08/06/pdfs/BOE-A-2018-11276.pdf</guid>
          <pubDate>Mon, 06 Aug 2018 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>

Where each item has this format:

  <title>Pleno. Sentencia 78/2018, de 5 de julio de 2018. Recurso de inconstitucionalidad 3720-2017. Interpuesto por el Presidente del Gobierno en relación con los artículos 13 y 36 de la Ley 10/2016, de 27 de diciembre, del presupuesto de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía para el año 2017. Competencias sobre ordenación general de la economía, hacienda general y función pública: nulidad parcial del precepto legal autonómico relativo a la oferta de empleo público de 2017 u otro instrumento similar de gestión de la provisión de necesidades de personal (STC 142/2017). Voto particular.</title>
  <description>Tribunal Constitucional - Publicado el 06/08/2018 - Referencia: BOE-A-2018-11276</description>
  <guid isPermaLink="true">http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2018/08/06/pdfs/BOE-A-2018-11276.pdf</guid>
  <pubDate>Mon, 06 Aug 2018 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>

This implies that we'll have these keys:

  • title
  • link
  • description
  • pubDate
  • guid

Then, if we want to recover the title, description and published date, we must write this mapping.json:

  "mapping": {
    "body": "description"

Fixed keys

Some times it should be interesting to add some static values to the result dict object. You can use fixed keys for this purpose.

Wordpress mode

In Wordpress there're two special keys: tags and categories.

You can specify tags and categories. f2e will try to resolve the tag/category or create if it doesn't exits in the Wordpress site.


There's situations where you may want to apply some advanced filters. To do that we must add some Python code.

You can use any name for the filter file, but for convention we'll use filters.py. There a basic example:


from feed_to_exporter.filters import FeedInfo
from feed_to_exporter.exceptions import FeedToWordpressNotValidInfoFound

def link_filter(field_value: str) -> dict:
    this filter will download the link pointing by the field and replace
    the content of the web page.

    Also try to check if some keywords are available and generate some tags

    Content filter must return a dictionary type, otherwise, engine will
    release an exception
    response = request.get(field_value)

    results = {
        'body': response.content

    # Try to find tags
    if any(x in response.content for x in ('hacking', 'security',
        results['tags'] = ['security']

    return results

def body_filter(field_value: str) -> dict:
    This filter remove the words 'SEO' from the body field and return
    the new 'body' value for the field. The engine will update that
    with this information.

    Content filter must return a dictionary type, otherwise, engine will
    release an exception
    return {'body': field_value.replace('SEO', '')}

def global_filter(feed_info: FeedInfo) -> \
        dict or FeedToWordpressNotValidInfoFound:
    Global filter enables a validation with the context of all of fields
    values. This filter must return a dictionary or an exception.

    If one exception is returned, engine will interpret that the current
    feed must not be processed and continue to the next feed.

    Global filter will executed after the individual filters.

    if not feed_info.title or not feed_info.body:
        raise FeedToWordpressNotValidInfoFound()

    if "security" in feed_info.title and "hacking" in feed_info.body:
        return {"category": ["hard-security"]}
    elif "ciso" in feed_info.body.lower():
        return {"category": ["ciso-news"]}
        return {}

# Order of filters are following the definition in the bellow dictionary
# The name of the variable must be the following for the individual filters
    'link': link_filter,
    'body': body_filter

# The name of the variable must be the following for global validator
GLOBAL_VALIDATOR = global_filter

As you can see you must define the var name INDIVIDUAL_VALIDATORS indicates the field where it will apply the filter.

Filters always must return a dictionary and it can overwrite the original content of a field.

Filters execution order are defined by the order indicated in the INDIVIDUAL_VALIDATORS var.

The parameters passed in each individual filter function is the value of the field.

Result data structure

f2e export collected data from feed to a dictionary. Depending of the export method you want, it need some different keys:


FeedInfoWordpress has these properties:

  • title: str
  • slug: str
  • link: str
  • feed_source: str
  • body: str -> raw information from Feed mapping
  • content: str -> content that will send to the Wordpress Post. By default is a composition of: body + html link + feed_source. You can see at internal filters (feed_to_exporter.filters.py)
  • raw_feed_info: dict -> raw content of feed
  • ping_status: str (default: closed)
  • feed_source: str (default: closed)
  • post_status: str (default: draft)
  • comment_status: str (default: closed)
  • date: str (default: now time, with format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S)

For fields ping_status, feed_source, post_status and comment_status you can check valid values at Wordpress REST API doc: https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/


Mongo doesn't need any special value for the result dictionary. The whole dict will be stored into Mongo "as is".

Validation rule

Some times you could want to use a global validation rule. This validation could implies more than one field. If this is the case then you must use the a new function and map to GLOBAL_VALIDATOR variable.

This function must returns a dict value or a Exception.

Working modes


Simple mode is the usual mode. Explained above.

Discovery mode

Discover mode discover recursively the directories, form a base dir given. The engine will get each directory and manage it as and independent running.

For this mode works well each crawler must in an independent directory and have only 2 files: filters.py and mapping.json.

To enable this mode you must use the -D option and each m¡mapping.json must have an additional entry: feed:

  "feed": "http://www.mysite.com/feed/",
  "mapping": {
    "body": "summary"
  "fixed": {
    "categories": ["myCategory"]

Example of directory structure

> tree examples/
├── __init__.py
├── site1.com
│   ├── __ini__.py
│   ├── filters.py
│   └── mapping.json
└── other-site.com
│   ├── __ini__.py
    ├── f2eSkip
    ├── filters.py
    └── mapping.json

IMPORTANT: all of folders need the file __init__.py con convert it into a Python package.

Ignoring directory

If you want that a directory will be ignored, only create a file called f2eSkip into the directory and the engine will ignore it.

Running Examples

Without Docker


> pip install -U feed-to-exporter

Wordpress mode

Basic Usage:

> f2e wordpress -W https://mywordpress.com -U user -A "XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX" examples/

Where -A indicates the Application Password

For more help type -h:

> f2e wordpress -h

usage: f2e wordpress [-h] --wordpress-url WORDPRESS_URL --user USER --app-auth
                 APP_AUTH [--devel]
                 [feed_source [feed_source ...]]

positional arguments:
  feed_source           target url or path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        wordpress url
  --user USER, -U USER  user to access to Wordpress
  --app-auth APP_AUTH, -A APP_AUTH
                        app auth code (from "Application Passwords" plugin)
  --devel               running in develop mode doesn't publish Wordpress Post

MongoDB mode

With default parameters (mongo in localhost without authentication, database=f2e, collection=f2e)

> f2e mongo examples/

Setting some parameters:

> f2e mongo -U mongoAdmin -M mongodb:// examples/

For more help type -h:

> f2e mongo -h

usage: f2e mongo [-h] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD]
             [--collection COLLECTION] [--database DATABASE]
             [--mongo-url MONGO_URN]
             [feed_source [feed_source ...]]

positional arguments:
  feed_source           target url or path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --user USER, -U USER  mongodb user
  --password PASSWORD, -P PASSWORD
                        mongodb password
                        mongo collection
  --database DATABASE, -D DATABASE
                        mongo database
  --mongo-url MONGO_URN, -M MONGO_URN
                        mongo URL. (Default: mongodb://

Using Docker

Docker only run in discovery mode and can schedule a new run each some seconds.

You can mount a dir with the filters/mapping, but it's highly recommended to put it into a git repository.

Environment vars

  • F2E_CMD_PARAMETERS: f2e running options
  • F2E_CHECK_TIME: time to launch in seconds
  • F2E_FILTERS_GIT: git where to download filters and mapping
  • F2E_NOTIFY_TELEGRAM: Notify using a telegram bot. format:

Running examples

Run feed each 3600 seconds:

> docker run --rm \
    -e F2E_FILTERS_GIT=https://XXXXXXXXXXXXXX@github.com/cr0hn/myfeeds-repo.git \
    -e F2E_CMD_PARAMETERS='wordpress -W https://mywordpress.com -U admin -A "XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX"' \
    -e F2E_CHECK_TIME=3600 f2e


Any collaboration is welcome!

There're many tasks to do.You can check the Issues and send us a Pull Request.


This project is distributed under BSD 3 license