
FEWS-3Di coupling

pip install fews-3di==3.5



Program to start 3Di simulations from FEWS.

Installation and usage

We can be installed using python 3.6+ with:

$ pip install fews-3di

The script is called run-fews-3di, you can pass --help to get usage instructions and --verbose to get more verbose output in case of problems.

run-fews-3di looks for a run_info.xml in the current directory by default, but you can pass a different file in a different location with --settings:

$ run-fews-3di
$ run-fews-3di --help
$ run-fews-3di --settings /some/directory/run_info.xml

Configuration and input/output files

The expected information in run_info.xml is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Run xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    <startDateTime date="2020-01-26" time="10:00:00"/>
    <endDateTime date="2020-01-30" time="12:00:00"/>
        <string key="api_token" value="aBCd1234.5678tOkeNabcde"/>
        <string key="organisation" value="12345678abcd"/>
        <string key="modelrevision" value="abcd123456787"/>
        <string key="simulationname" value="Simulation name"/>
        <string key="save_state" value="True"/>
        <string key="use_last_available_state" value="False" />
        <string key="save_state_time" value="1400"/>
        <string key="saved_state_expiry_days" value="5"/>
        <string key="rain_type" value="radar"/>
        <string key="rain_input" value="730d6675-35dd-4a35-aa9b-bfb8155f9ca7"/>
        <string key="rain_radar_multiplier" value="0.8"/>
        <string key="fews_pre_processing" value="True"/>
        <string key="lizard_results_scenario_name" value="Testsimulatie"/>
        <string key="lizard_results_scenario_uuid" value=""/>
        <string key="initial_waterlevel" value=""/>
        <string key="api_host" value=""/>
        <string key="use_lizard_timeseries_as_boundary" value=""/>
        <string key="boundary_file" value="boundary_file.json"/>

Note: saved_state_expiry_days used to be spelled as save_state_expiry_days, without a "d". The example radar uuid is the Dutch rainfall radar (NRR).

save_state: This option enables using and saving state files. To use a warm state provide a text file with id in the states folder using the name states/3di-saved-state-id.txt. A cold state is supplied in a similar way with the name: states/3di-cold-state-id.txt. If this option is enabled, after the simulation the id of the saved state at is updated in same file states/3di-saved-state-id.txt.

use_last_available_state: To overpass the state management system and directly take the last available state in the 3Di database the option: use_last_available_state can be set to True.

save_state_time: This parameter defines the time in the simulation (in seconds) when the state should be saved. If left empty the end of the simulation is used.

saved_state_expiry_days: The expiry time can be set to store states for a relevant period to enable hindcasting and at the same time prevent the usage of too much storage space.

rain_type: multipe rain-types can be used in the configuration:

  • constant
  • radar
  • custom
rain_input: according to the chosen rain-type, a rain input must be given

in the configuration:

  • constant --> integer [m/s]
  • radar --> lizard uuid
  • custom --> two options: rain_csv or rain_netcdf. These files must be stored in the input directory as input/rain.csv and input/precipitation.nc
rain_radar_multiplier: can be used to multiply the rain_input radar

with a constant value. This can be used to correct the radar input. The default value is 1.0.

fews_pre_processing: can be True or False. Must be True if the

results are needed in fews: additional pre_processing of the results is needed.

initial_waterlevel: can be min, max, or mean. When specified

the initial waterlevel raster is taken into account. If left empty no initial waterlevel is used in the simulation.

initial_waterlevel: if you want to use the initial waterlevel raster as

defined in the settings (leave empty if no initial waterlevel is predefined):

  • min
  • mean
  • max

api_host: (optional) api_host address can be added here. If not provided the default api_host address ("https://api.3di.live/v3.0") will be used.

use_lizard_timeseries_as_boundary: (optional) can be True or False. Must be True if the boundary conditions of the simulation has to be updated by the boundary_file.json

boundary_file: (optional) the name of the boundary json file that will be updated to the simulation if use_lizard_timeseries_as_boundary is True. No checks are done for the content of the file.

Several input files are needed, they should be in the input directory relative to the run_info.xml:

  • run_info.xml
  • input/lateral.csv
  • input/precipitation.nc
  • input/evaporation.nc
  • input/boundary_file.json
  • input/ow.nc
  • model/gridadmin.h5

Output is stored in the output directory relative to the run_info.xml:

  • output/simulation.log (unavailable, but included in the zip)
  • output/flow_summary.log (idem)
  • output/log_files_sim_ID.zip
  • output/results_3di.nc
  • output/dischages.csv
  • output/ow.nc


Development happens on github. See DEVELOPMENT.rst for more information.