
A simple wrapper around SMART on FHIR scopes to treat them as Python sets.

pip install fhir.smart.scopes==0.0.2



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A simple wrapper around SMART on FHIR scopes to treat them as Python sets.

This implementation is based on Smart App Launch Implementation Guide (v2.1.0: STU 2.1) which in turn is based on FHIR R4. Finer grained query parameters within scopes are not supported, as there is obvious easy way to implement them (e.g. combine different search parameters and preserve their overall intention) and further our use-case currently does not provide a need for this functionality (feel encouraged to open a PR).


pip install fhir.smart.scopes


from fhir.smart.scopes import scopes

a = scopes('launch offline_access patient/Medication.rs')
b = scopes('patient/Medication.cruds')
a & b
# patient/Medication.rs
a | b
# patient/Medication.cruds offline_access launch

The initial usecase expanded from a SMART on FHIR auth server implementation were we wanted to check the requested scopes against a predefined set of scopes and optionally restrict a set of scopes by the predefined set:

from fhir.smart.scopes import scopes

allowed = scopes('fhirUser launch/patient offline_access patient/Patient.rs patient/Medication.rs')
requested = 'launch/patient online_access patient/*.cruds'

permit = scopes(requested).intersection(allowed)
# launch/patient patient/Medication.rs patient/Patient.rs


All functions that would be expected for a set type can be used, except the below-mentioned:

  • Constructors: scopes() is the only supported initialization method available, set comprehension and literal syntax cannot be used. Initialize ether with no arguments to obtain an empty scopes set, with a space seperated string or an iterable with scopes.
    Only valid scopes can be initialized.
    scopes('fhirUser openid')
    # fhirUser openid
    scopes(['fhirUser', 'patient/Observation.cru'])
    # patient/Observation.cru fhirUser
    # Traceback [...] ValueError
  • Methods:
    • adding elements with add and update as you would expect them to work
    • deleting elements with discard, remove, pop, clear
    • obtain boolean information about scopes by issuperset (``), issubset and `isdisjoint`
    • use set operations difference, intersection, symmetric_difference, union and assignments difference_update, intersection_update, symmetric_difference_update
    • copy the scopes set with copy
  • Operators:
    • add elements with |=
    • relational operators ==, !=, <=, <, >=, >
    • operations -, &, ^, |
    • assignment operations -=, &=, ^=
  • Functions:
    • len is supported and gives you the amount of 'atomic scopes' see below TODO
    • following function are somewhat meaningless in this context and therefore not supported (undefined behaviour): min, max, sum, sorted, reversed, all, any, enumerate, zip

Inner workings

This wrapper works by handling scopes as tuples of three things:

  • Level or Top-level scope: e.g. fhirUser, launch/Patient or the patient part of patient/*.cruds
  • Resource: a FHIR resource that is affected or None in the case of a top-level scope, e.g. Observation
  • Permission: one of the five permissions in cruds

Internally scopes get stored in the super's set as these three-valued tuples (atomic scopes) and this projects scopes type is responsible for validating given scope strings, extracting all atomic scope tuples out of them, and then hide this inner structure when using set operations.

As an example, the following calls reveals this internal structure:

>>> s = scopes('fhirUser patient/Patient.rs')
>>> s
fhirUser patient/Patient.rs
>>> set(s)
{('fhirUser', None, None), ('patient', 'Patient', 's'), ('patient', 'Patient', 'r')}