
allows one to easily encrypt and decrypt files symmetrically using openssl and python3

pip install fileenc-openssl==1.3.1



This code allows one to easily encrypt and decrypt files symmetrically using openssl and python3.

  • Uses aes-256-cbc for file encryption (as implemented by openssl)
  • Uses a salt when encrypting (to avoid pre-computation or rainbow tables).
  • Uses sha256 key stretching (with <0.1s) to make brute force prohibitively expensive.
  • Uses sha256 checksum to check file integrity.


You can install using

pip install fileenc-openssl

If you want fileenc and filedec available system-wide, use sudo or equivalent.


From command line:

fileenc --key 'password123' --input '*.png' --check --overwrite
filedec --key 'password123' --input '*.png.enc' --check --overwrite --remove
# the quotes around wildcards are important

From python:

from fileenc_openssl import stretch_key, encrypt_file, decrypt_file
stretched_key = stretch_key('password123')
enc_pth = encrypt_file(raw_pth, key=stretched_key)
res_pth = decrypt_file(enc_pth, key=stretched_key)

Testing (needs py.test):



You can find all options using fileenc --help:

-h, --help               show this help message and exit
-k KEY, --key KEY        the key to use for encryption; you will be prompted for one if this is not provided (more secure)
-i INP, --input INP      input file, directory or pattern (as a single string) (.enc will be appended)
-o OUTP, --output OUTP   optionally, output file or directory (.enc will be stripped if available)
-d, --decrypt            decrypt the input file(s) (as opposed to encrypt, which is the default)
-f, --overwrite          overwrite existing files when decrypting (encrypting always overwrites)
-r, --remove             remove the input file after en/decrypting (after --check)
-c, --check              test the encryption by reversing it (abort on failure) (only for ENcryption due to salting)
-1, --once               prompt for the key only once (when encrypting without -k)
-j N, --process-count N  number of parallel processes to use for en/decryption; `0` for auto (default), `1` for serial
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-k KEY, --key KEY
  the key to use for encryption; you will be prompted for one if this is not provided (more secure)
-i INP, --input INP
  input file, directory or pattern as a single string (required for encrypting; defaults to *.enc when decrypting)
-o OUTP, --output OUTP
  optionally, output file or directory; .enc will be appended to each file
-d, --decrypt decrypt the input file(s) (as opposed to encrypt, which is the default)
-f, --overwrite
  overwrite existing files when decrypting (encrypting always overwrites)
-r, --remove shred the input file after en/decrypting (after --check)
-c, --check test the encryption by reversing it (abort on failure) (only for ENcryption due to salting)
-1, --once prompt for the key only once (only applicable if --key and --decrypt are not set)
-j PROC_CNT, --process-count PROC_CNT
  number of parallel processes to use for en/decryption; 0 for auto (default), 1 for serial


Revised BSD License; at your own risk, you can mostly do whatever you want with this code, just don't use my name for promotion and do keep the license file.