
Tool to compare test results against file content

pip install fileexpect==1.0.0



This library contains tools to help compare test results against content kept in content files instead of code.

The library has the following features:

  • A base class to implement compare different types of content
  • A concrete implementation for text content
  • The capacity to update the content files with the current values
  • Capacity to defer failing of tests at teardown to allow for updating multiple files
  • The capacity to add transformations to content becore comparing (ex: remove random id's before comparing)
  • Specialized transformations on text to find and replace a regex
  • Control over localisation and naming of content files


pip install fileexpect

That's it.

How to Use

The tools can be used with pretty much any test framework (actually, it does not have to use a framework). Here how you could it with pytest to compare text content:

Creating a Fixture

from pytest import fixture

def tc():
    rv = TextComparer("path/to/content_folder")
    yield rv
    assert not rv.updatedFiles

Note the line after the yield statement. While this line is not necessary, it will make you tests fail if it has updated an expected content file. The reason why it is done after the test instead of directly uppon update is to allow a single test to go and update multiple files.

Using the Fixture Inside of a Test

def test_something(tc):
    result = bigreport()
    diff = tc.differences("command_output", result)
    assert diff is None

If the value of result is the same as the content of path/to/content_folder/command_output.txt, differences will return None and the test will pass. If the contents differ, diff will contain a familiar representation of the differences between the expected vs actual content.

If your IDE does not show you the diff, you may want to store it in a variable before checking and print it; pytest has a nice way of handling this when run from the command line.

If the file path/to/content_folder/command_output.txt does not exist, differences will throw a ContentNotFoundException.

Creating or Updating the Content of Content Files.

The best way to update content files is to run your tests with the environment variable UPDATE_EXPECTED_FILES set to any of the following: "yes", "y", "true", "t" or "1".

Alternatively, you may explicitely pass updateFiles=True to the constructor when creating your comparer.

In both cases, instead of comparing the content, it would save the content of the variable result in the content file. You would then probably want to review the file and, if good, commit it to your CVS.

Re-running the test without the environment or explicit flag would now compare with the new content.

More details

Given that these tools are meant to be used within unit tests, the best way to learn a bit more about it is to go and look at the unit tests of the library itself.

The only thing you will not see there is the bit about failing tests after update, as I insist on full coverage and all green tests.