
Module for editing the Favorites entries of the Finder sidebar.

pip install finder-sidebar-editor==1.2.0


Finder Sidebar Editor

PyPI PyPI - Downloads PyPI - License

GitHub issues GitHub pull requests

Python module for easily adding, removing, and moving favorites on the Finder sidebar in the context of the logged in user.

Based on the work by robperc in robperc/FinderSidebarEditor.


Install the PyPI package using pip:

pip install finder-sidebar-editor

Example usage

from finder_sidebar_editor import FinderSidebar                # Import the module

sidebar = FinderSidebar()                                      # Create a Finder sidebar instance to act on.

sidebar.remove("All My Files")                                 # Remove 'All My Files' favorite from sidebar
sidebar.remove("iCloud")                                       # Remove 'iCloud' favorite from sidebar
sidebar.add("/Library")                                        # Add '/Library' favorite to sidebar
sidebar.add("/SomeShare", uri="smb://shares")                  # Mount 'smb://shares/SomeShare' to '/Volumes/SomeShare' and add as favorite to sidebar
sidebar.add("/SomeOtherShare", uri="afp://username:pw@server") # Mount pw protected 'afp://server/SomeOtherShare' to '/Volumes/SomeOtherShare' and add as favorite to sidebar
sidebar.move("Library", "Applications")                        # Move 'Library' favorite to slot just below 'Applications'