Static analysis checks for Flask, by r2c. Available in our free program analysis tool, Bento. (ht

pip install flake8-flask==0.9.3



flake8-flask is a plugin for flake8 with checks specifically for the flask framework, written by r2c


pip install flake8-flask

Validate the install using --version.

> flake8 --version
3.7.9 (flake8-flask: 0.2.1, mccabe: 0.6.1, pycodestyle: 2.5.0, pyflakes: 2.1.1)

List of warnings

r2c-flask-send-file-open: This check detects the use of a file-like object in flask.send_file without either mimetype or attachment_filename keyword arguments. send_file will throw a ValueError in this situation.

r2c-flask-secure-set-cookie: This check detects calls to response.set_cookie that do not have secure, httponly, and samesite set. This follows the guidance in the Flask documentation.

r2c-flask-unescaped-file-extension: Flask will not autoescape Jinja templates that do not have .html, .htm, .xml, or .xhtml as extensions. This check will alert you if you do not have one of these extensions. This check will also do its best to detect if context variables are escaped if a non-escaped extension is used.

Have an idea for a check? Reach out to us at!