
Generate new flask projects quickly and easily, in a variety of customisable structures.

pip install flask-spawn==0.1.11


Flask Spawn

Generate new flask applications quickly and easily, in a variety of customisable structures.

Supports python 2.7 and 3.4 on OSX and Windows.


To begin:

pip install flask-spawn

To create a new flask application use the following command:

spawn new nameofapp

This will create an application with the following structure:

├── README.md
├── application
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── views.py
│   ├── static
│   │   ├── css
│   │   │   └── base.css
│   │   ├── images
│   │   └── js
│   └── templates
│       └── base.html
├── tests
│    ├── __init__.py
│    └── test_app.py
├── config.py
├── requirements.txt
├── run.py
├── run.sh
└── test.sh

Then install python libraries (it is recommnded that you do this inside a virtualenv):

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then your app is good to go. Run the app with:

source run.sh

The basic unit test structure has also been setup. Run the tests:

source test.sh

Easy Customisations

Add Model and Database Migrations

The -d or --database option adds the files and code necessary to do alembic migrations via flask-migrate.

spawn new anotherapp -d

This would create a new flask application called anotherapp with the same structure as seen in the Quickstart section above but with a manage.py and a models.py as well as the necessary config, imports and requirements.

Once done it would be a matter of updating the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI config to point at the right database (assuming it has been created) and updating the models.py to the required structure and then running the following lines of code to update the database structure:

python manage.py db init
python manage.py db migrate
python manage.py db upgrade

Add Views

The -v or --view option allows the quick addition of views, by view it means a a route that displays a templates. So with the option a new route is added that renders a new template.

spawn new anotherapp -v hello

This above command creates an app called anotherapp and adds a route /hello that renders a template called hello.html.

This option can be used multiple times to create many views:

spawn new anotherapp -v hello -v login -v logout

A unit test is added to tests/test_app.py for this view.

Adding a Data View

If you are building an api then you don't want to render a template, so option -dv or --dataview adds a route that returns a Response class.

spawn new anotherapp -dv goodbye

The above command creates an app called anotherapp and adds a view /goodbye.

This option can be used multiple times to create many routes:

spawn new anotherapp -dv goodbye -dv ciao -dv adios

A unit test is added to tests/test_app.py for this data view.

Add Templates

The option -t or --template adds a template to the templates folder.

spawn new anotherapp -t hithere

The above commands adds a template called hithere.html.

This option can also be used multiple times:

spawn new anotherapp -t hithere -t how -t are -t you

Add Blueprint

The option -b or --blueprint adds a module that contains a flask blueprint.

spawn new anotherapp -b hello

The above command creates a file called hello.py that contains the blueprint with one view. The blueprint is registered in the application/init.py with a url_prefix of /hello.

This option can also be used multiple times:

spawn new anotherapp -b black -b white -b blue -b green

A unit test is added to tests/test_app.py for this blueprint.