
Flatlands simple on-track driving simulator with physics

driving, simulation, gym
pip install flatlands==0.1.8


Flatlands Driving Simulator for OpenAI Gym

Ascent Robotics

Flatlands is a simple gym compatible simulator for a car driving around a track. It is tested with Python3, and Windows/ Ubuntu.

Automatic Installation

You can install flatlands from PyPi with:

pip install flatlands

Manual Installation

  • You can install manually from source by cloning this repo to your computer with:
git clone git@github.com:ascentai/flatlands-gym.git && cd flatlands-gym
  • Then install it with:
pip install -e .

Flatlands uses pygame for visualization, so if this doesn't work, you may need to install the SDL library on your system as well.


  • To create a gym environment you need to import gym and then import flatlands from inside python. Importing flatlands is enough to register it with the gym registry.
import gym
import flatlands

env = gym.make("Flatlands-v0")

For a more in depth example, see demo_flatlands.py which drives that car based on the steering angle compared to upcoming points.

The Gym documentation explains more about interacting with an environment