A machine learning webots extension

pip install flockai==0.1.17


Flock AI


This repository contains

  • Flock AI: A machine learning python library which is designed as a plugin for webots.
  • Webots simulations: Sample simulations that demonstrate the usage of Flock AI



  1. Set up the webots required enviroment variables
  2. Create a .pypirc file which will contain the pypi credentials:
  index-servers= pypi
  repository = https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/
  username = the_username
  password = the_password
Running the first time
  1. make config Copies the .pypirc to your user home folder and allows automated uploads using twine.
  2. make requirements Installs project requirements.
  3. make package Generates the new package under the dist/ directory.
  4. make upload Uploads the package in the specified pypi repository.
  5. make install Installs Flock AI in Webots home folder to be used as a library.
  6. make clean (Optional) Cleans the build directory. This step should be done before rebuilding the package.
Development pipelines
  1. make Clean previous build files, builds new package, uploads to pypi.
  2. make install Installs new version of Flock AI in Webots home folder to be used as a library.