Tool and library for interfacing with the PermaSense Flora nodes, enabling programming, configuring and measuring.

pip install flora-tools==0.1.8


About flora_tools

The flora_tools package provides the tools and means for developing on the new PermaSense flora DPP2 Comboards, facilitating the LoRa radio SX1262 from Semtech.

Module Description
flora_tools General resources, such as the static calculation of time-on-air, Gloria & LWB figures,
basic interfacing via serial/UART, and interface for the Tektronix oscilloscope to measure the timings precisely
flora_tools.experiments All scripted experiments, utilizing e.g. the oscilloscope
flora_tools.analysis Jupyter notebooks for condensed visual representation.
flora_tools.sim The simulation server for the protocol layers
flora_tools.toolchain The scripts for flashing and maintaining the firmware projects
flora_tools.stm32loader The script which implements the STM32's UART ROM-bootloader protocol

Installation Guide

Install Python3.7+ and pip 10.0+. If your are using Ubuntu 18.04, these are already installed. Then you can install the pip package flora-tools

python -m pip install flora-tools

If you run into problems, try python3 -m pip or pip3, as there are still many old distributions around.

Run The script


python -m flora-tools  # With a dash!

or just

flora_tools  # With an underscore!


Do not install the python package from PyPi, but rather clone this repository and run

git submodule update --init --recursive
python -m pip install -e .

inside the top folder (where is located). You can edit the source files and the module will reflect the changes automatically.

The python package is generated and uploaded according to ( Do not forget to clone the git submodules as well.

Patch Atollic TrueStudio Eclipse Project Files

As there are no external include paths and symbols configured in a freshly generated Atollic TrueStudio project, the project's XML files have to be patched.

Just run

python -m flora-tools patch_eclipse path/to/flora_repository

Mass programming/flashing DevKits (STM32L476RG) and Comboards (STM32L443CC, STM32L433CC) with built-in ROM UART-Bootloader

Using the stm32loader library for Python 3 (originally by florisla), all SX126xDVK1xAS devkits and DPP-Comboard modules can be programmed simultaneously. The library is available as a git submodule inside the flora-tools python package.

Ensure you have closed all your serial-port connections to your DevKits or ComBoards.

You can now either put the MCU into bootloader mode by pullin BOOT0-pin high (connect with VCC), set the J502 & J503 solder bridges on the DPP carrier board, or use the dedicated FlOS CLI command system bootloader inside flora CLI to jump directly into the ROM bootloader. All variant are supported automatically by the command below.

Check that you have compiled and built your Atollic project correctly and have a *.hex or *.binary file inside the Outputs folder. Then run the following command with the correct path (i.e. where the platform and lib folder are located).:

python -m flora-tools program_all path/to/flora_repository

Programming single Device

python -m flora-tools program path/to/firmware(.hex/.binary) -p COM1

Measurement setup

Precise timing measurements

Setup to measure precise timings

Measurements over GPIB/LXI/VISA

For a working PyVISA installation for interfacing with the oscilloscope and power analyzers you need to follow this guide. For Windows, you can download the following VISA backend driver: (

Use NI MAX to configure all your devices.

Tektronix MSO4104B oscilloscope

First, upgrade your oscilloscope to the lates firmware version, as the HORIZONTAL:RECORDLENGTH command won't work otherwise.

Connect your oscilloscope to LAN via a Ethernet.

Push the Utility button and switch to the Utility Page I/O. Select Ethernet & LXI. Disable the e*Scope Password. Set the Network Configuration (bottom) to Automatic to get a DHCP lease.

Add your Tektronix MSO4104B oscilloscope in NI MAX. You have to note down the VISA Resource Name.

FlockLab Integration

To be integrated.