
Azure Oauth support for Flower

pip install flower-oauth-azure==1.0


Flower oAuth Azure

Microsoft Azure login handler for Flower

Flower provides internal support for Google and GitHub OAuth authentication, this package enable similar functionality for Microsoft Azure

Quick start

pip install flower-oauth-azure

Azure OAuth 2.0 authentication is enabled using the --auth, --oauth2_key, --oauth2_secret and --oauth2_redirect_uri options, to set the Azure tenant FLOWER_OAUTH2_TENANT environment variable must be set.

--auth is a regular expression, for granting access only to the specified email pattern. –-oauth2_key and –-oauth2_secret are your credentials from your Azure Account. –-oauth2_redirect_uri is there to specify what is the redirect_uri associated to you key and secret

For instance, if you want to grant access to me@saxix.onmicrosoft.com and you@saxix.onmicrosoft.com:

$ export FLOWER_OAUTH2_TENANT=saxix.onmicrosoft.com    
$ celery flower --auth_provider=flower_oauth_azure.tenant.AzureTenantLoginHandler \
                --auth="me@saxix.onmicrosoft.com|you@saxix.onmicrosoft.com" \
                --oauth2_key=... \

Alternatively you can set environment variables instead of command line arguments:

$ export FLOWER_OAUTH2_KEY=...
$ export FLOWER_OAUTH2_TENANT=saxix.onmicrosoft.com
$ export FLOWER_AUTH=.*@saxix\.onmicrosoft\.com
$ export FLOWER_AUTH_PROVIDER=flower_oauth_azure.tenant.AzureTenantLoginHandler
$ export FLOWER_OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI=http://flower.example.com/login
$ celery flower