This tool provides support in the conversion process of converting AtlasKit Flow components to TypeScript. It takes the trivial work out of the conversion.

pip install flowtees==0.1.7




This tool provides support in the conversion process of converting AtlasKit Flow components to TypeScript. It takes the trivial work out of the conversion. These are just floaties to help you but won't totally convert your component.


  • Renames files to tsx/ts
  • Ignores node_modules
  • Removing flow decorators (@flow, $StringLitteral, $FlowFixMe)
  • Remove type keyword from exports and imports
  • Renames type keyword to interface keyword when applicable and can handle extends
  • Configures package.json and creates tsconfig.json files



FlowTees is a command line application, called flowtees, the application is used before beginning the conversion process. It assumes that no work has been started on the component yet.

To begin, run the following command:

$ flowtees [directory/to/component]

e.g. say you are converting the select component, then the command would look like this:

$ flowtees ~/src/atlaskit-mk-2/packages/core/select

The program will begin analyzing the js files in the directory and do a dry run to find only compatible files to convert. The compatible files will be listed in green while incompatible files will be shown in red.

After processing the files, you will get a prompt asking whether you want to also include the build config files for TS. This helps to create the appropriate tsconfig.json files in the component directory and also modify the the package.json file so it points to the correct index.ts file.


If you only have Python3 installed on your computer then the following command will install the program:

$ pip install flowtees

If you have both Python2 and Python3 installed then the following command will be more suitable:

$ pip3 install flowtees


0.1.4 (24 May 2019)

  • UPDATE! No auto conversion of import React from 'react' will be made by default to reflect on choice to standardize on non-namespace import, however existing --react-namespace will remain in place

0.1.3 (23 May 2019)

  • Fixed bug with folders with a single file not listed in files to process
  • NEW! Auto conversion of import React from 'react'; to import * as React from 'react'; to avoid future issues. (Thi can be turned off with --react-namespace option)
  • NEW! Individual file conversions can be done by pointing to a js file

0.1.2 (20 May 2019)

  • Updated build tsconfig.json
  • Support for emotion jsx keywords

0.1 (Initial release) (15 May 2019)

  • Renames files to tsx/ts
  • Ignores node_modules
  • Removing flow decorators (@flow, $StringLitteral, $FlowFixMe)
  • Remove type keyword from exports and imports
  • Renames type keyword to interface keyword when applicable and can handle extends
  • Configures package.json and creates tsconfig.json files