
A python wrapper for the FSA food alerts API

pip install food-alerts-wrapper==0.1.1


FSA Food Alerts API Python Wrapper

This is a Python wrapper for the FSA Food Alerts API, created with the aim of making interactions with the API much simpler so developers can focus on processing and analysing the data it provides.

This Python 3 wrapper is created using the requests package. It abstracts the details of HTTP requests away so that the user can just interact with API data. Using the wrapper, developers can access data from the API by simply calling intuitive functions, such as getAlerts() and searchAlerts().

These functions also parse the HTTP response, so the user can simply access the response data as Python objects.


from foodAlertsAPI import foodAlertsAPI

f = foodAlertsAPI()

yearAgo = ( - timedelta(days=365)).isoformat()
alerts = f.getAlerts(yearAgo)

allergenCounts = defaultdict(int)

alert: Alert  # type hinting for code completion
for alert in alerts:
    allergens = alert.allergenLabels()
    for allergen in allergens:
        allergenCounts[allergen] += 1

# get the 10 most frequently occurring allergens
sortedAllergens = [
    (k, v)
    for k, v in sorted(
        allergenCounts.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True

labels = [k for (k, v) in sortedAllergens]
heights = [v for k, v in sortedAllergens], heights, color="green")
plt.title("10 Most Common Allergens in the Past Year")

Allergens column chart

The example above plots a column chart of the 10 most frequently occurring allergens in alerts over the past year. The entirety of data acquisition and parsing has been accomplished using only getAlerts() and allergenLabels(), allowing for succinct and readable code.

Documentation Summary

The two most important classes in the wrapper are foodAlertsAPI and Alert. Below is an excerpt of the documentation relevant to these two classes.




Get a specific alert based on its notation, e.g. (FSA-AA-01-2018)


  • ID (string) – the alert ID


an Alert object


ValueError – occurs when an invalid value for the notation is provided

getAlerts(quantifier=None, detailed=False, limit=None, offset=None, sortBy=None, filters={})

Gets alerts from the FSA Food Alerts API


  • quantifier – the quantifier can be an int n, in which case the function returns the last n alerts. The quantifier can also be a date string in ISO format, in which case the function returns the alerts published since the given date

  • detailed (bool, optional) – determines whether the Alert objects returned will contain all properties. When this is set to false, only the summary properties are included. Defaults to False if unspecified

  • limit (int, optional) – specifies the maximum number of Alert objects that can be returned

  • offset (int, optional) – return the list of items starting with the nth item, together with limit this enables paging through a long set of results

  • sortBy (string, optional) – reorder the list of results in ascending order of the given property (or property chain). To sort in descending order use sortBy=-prop. More than one sort can be included in which case they will be applied in order

  • filters (dict, optional) – filters based on alert object properties, e.g. {β€œtype”:”AA”}


a list of Alert objects


ValueError – occurs when an invalid value for the quantifier or optional arguments is provided

searchAlerts(query, detailed=False, limit=None, offset=None, sortBy=None, filters={})

Search for query in alerts from the FSA Food Alerts API


  • query (string) – the search query

  • detailed (bool, optional) – determines whether the Alert objects returned will contain all properties. When this is set to false, only the summary properties are included. Defaults to False if unspecified

  • limit (int, optional) – specifies the maximum number of Alert objects that can be returned

  • offset (int, optional) – return the list of items starting with the nth item, together with limit this enables paging through a long set of results

  • sortBy (string, optional) – reorder the list of results in ascending order of the given property (or property chain). To sort in descending order use sortBy=-prop. More than one sort can be included in which case they will be applied in order

  • filters (dict, optional) – filters based on alert object properties, e.g. {β€œtype”:”AA”}


list of Alert objects


ValueError – occurs when an invalid value for the query or optional arguments is provided





(string) url to alert in the FSA page, same as the alertURL attribute.



(string) alert title



(string) datetime when the alert is last modified in ISO format



(string) unique identifier for alert used in the foodAlertsAPI.foodAlertsAPI getAlert() function



(string) one of β€œAA”, β€œFAFA”, or β€œPRIN”