
File renamer for FTIR files

pip install ftir-renamer==0.10


FTIR File Renamer


Renames files from the FTIR based on strict naming scheme

Virtual Environment

Activate your FTIR renamer virtual environment

source ftir_rename/bin/activate

If that does not work, your environment may not exist. Create it as follows:

python3 -m venv ftir_rename
source ftir_rename/bin/activate


From the command line in the folder in which you would like to install the program:

pip install ftir_renamer


pip install --upgrade ftir_renamer


  • Unix-like environment
  • Spreadsheet of FTIR-related metadata (with .XLSX extension)
  • The .spc output files corresponding to the FTIR IDs in the spreadsheet


Shell script automating the renaming of files from a USB stick

Required Argument

The absolute path to the folder containing the .spc files. Note that either this folder or its parent must contain an Excel file named FTIR.XLSX 
that contains all the required metadata for renaming.

Optional Argument

Use the "classic method of renaming the files: 
Original File Name: FTIR0182-1_2017-05-26T11-13-47.spc
New File Name: GN_Klebsiella_BHI_AN_CFIA_FTIR0182_C2_2017_May_26_CA01_OLC0027_2017-05-26T11-13-47.spc


Example command to run the script

ftir_rename -f /path/to/FTIR_files


Python script that renames .spc files

Required Arguments

The path of the folder containing the FTIR output files
Absolute path to the spreadsheet containing the FTIR metadata
The absolute path of the folder to store the renamed files


Example command to run the script

renamer.py -f /path/to/FTIR.xlsx -s /path/to/files -o /path/to/outputs

usage: renamer.py [-h] -s SPECTRA_PATH -f FILENAME -o OUTPUTPATH

Rename files for FTIR experiments using strict naming scheme

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
required arguments:
  -s SPECTRA_PATH, --sequencepath SPECTRA_PATH
                        Path of .spc files to process.
  -f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
                        Name of .xls(x) file with renaming information. Must
                        conform to agreed upon format. This file must be in the
                        supplied sequencepath.
  -o OUTPUTPATH, --outputpath OUTPUTPATH
                        Optionally specify the folder in which the renamed
                        files are to be stored. Provide the full path e.g.