
Backup the folder to FTP!

pip install ftpbackup==0.1.1


FtpBackup Overview

FtpBackup provides a simple way to backup all things in your folder to FTP.

FtpBackup take thesettings in the config file (default is .ftpbackup). And you can add ignore files in .ftpignore and .gitignore.


pip install ftpbackup

Tested Platforms

  • Python:
  • 3.4-3.6
  • Windows (32bit/64bit):
  • Only test on win10 now.

Getting started

  1. Generate your config file

    ftpbk genconf
  2. Edit your config file.

  3. Add a new file called '.ftpignore' and edit it.

  4. Backup your floder to FTP by the command.

    ftpbk backup

NOTE : Because .ftpbackup contains IP, password, and other pravite info. So it's necessary to add it in .gitignore or .ftpignore manually. You can also add it in git global ignore file list.

Set the config file (default: .ftpconfig)

The default config is like below.

    "protocol": "ftp", // string - Only 'ftp' now.
    "host": "localhost", // string - The hostname or IP address of the FTP server. Default: 'localhost'
    "encoding": "utf-8", // string - The encoding of the FTP server. Default: utf-8
    "port": 21, // integer - The port of the FTP server. Default: 21
    "user": "anonymous", // string - Username for authentication. Default: 'anonymous'
    "pass": "anonymous@", // string - Password for authentication. Default: 'anonymous@'
    "remote": "/", // string - The path on FTP to upload files.
    // NOTE : Use absolute path of remote or get a error.
    "local": ".", // string - The folder on local to be uploaded.
    "useGitIgnore": true, // bool - Use .gitignore in ignored file list.
    "gitIgnoreEncoding": "utf-8", // string - The encoding of .gitignore
    "useFtpIgnore": true, // bool - Use .ftpignore in ignored file list.
    "ftpIgnoreEncoding": "utf-8" // string - The encoding of .ftpignore

Set the .ftpignore

The format of .ftpignore is just like .gitignore.


usage: ftpbk [-h] {genconf,backup} ...

Backup to FTP.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit


command 'genconf':

usage: ftpbk genconf [-h] [-F] [-f FILE]

Generate a default config file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -F, --force           overwrite the config file if it exists.
  -f FILE, --file FILE  assign the config file to be writed, default is

command 'backup':

usage: ftpbk backup [-h] [-c CONFIGFILE]

Backup all the file in the 'local' floder to 'remote' on ftp. You can change
the config in config file(default is '.ftpbackup').

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        assign the config file to be loaded, default is