
simple json conversion implements using stack structure and recursive method

pip install fulljson==0.0.53



The package is for JSON conversion in Python enviroment.

JSON Type JSON Type Example Python Type Python Type Value
object {} dict type({})
array [] list type([])
string "example" str type('example')
number 1/1.0 int/float type(1)/type(1.0)
"true" true True type(True)
"false" false False type(False)
"null" null None type(None)


Convert a JSON string into a JSON object

JSON.parse(value) is based on stack structure. There are three stacks in the program, stack stack for characters, class_stack stack for list and dict, keyvalue_stack stack for name/value pair. Scan each character in the string, do the following:

  1. If is [, put type/value into class_stack stack
  2. If is {, put type/value into the class_stack stack, and put an empty key/value pair (named border) into the keyvalue_stack stack
  3. If is,, according to class_stack stack top type (list and dict), list is to operate on the top of the class_stack stack and call its append method, dict is pushed into the keyvalue_stack stack
  4. If is ], popping all the elements on the top of the stack stack until it encounters [
  5. If is }, pop the keyvalue_stack stack and pop all the elements on the top of the stack until it encounters border
  6. If is :, operate on the top of the keyvalue_stack stack and modify the value in the key/value pair
  7. Other, put characters into the stack stack

Convert JSON values to JSON strings

JSON.stringify(value) is using recursive method.

  1. If it is a basic type in Python (number, string, bool, None), return the corresponding string (1/1.0, "example", true/false, null)
  2. If it is list and dict, repeat step 1 for each element in the list and dict
  3. Others, It is a class, consider as a dict type, terating over member variables of a class, do the same action as step 1


pip install fulljson 


  • Convert a JSON string into a JSON object.
>>> from fulljson import JSON
>>> value = '["foo", {"bar": ["baz", null, 1.0, 2, true]}]'
>>> print(JSON.parse(value))
['foo', {'bar': ['baz', None, 1.0, 2, True]}]
  • Convert JSON values to JSON strings.
>>> from fulljson import JSON
>>> value = ["foo", {"bar": ["baz", None, 1.0, 2, True]}]
>>> print(JSON.stringify(value))
  • Format JSON object or JSON strings
>>> from fulljson import JSON
>>> value = [{'foo': 'new 0', 'index': None}, "sat", {'bar': 'new 2', 'index': [1, True]}]
>>> print(JSON.format(value))
        "foo":"new 0",
        "bar":"new 2",