Open those files that contain a string in Vim

grep, vi, vim, gvim
pip install fvi==2.2


FVI — Vim paired with Grep

Author: Ken Kundert
Version: 2.2
Released: 2023-03-18

Opens files that contains a given pattern in vim. You may specify a collection of files to search, otherwise all files in the current working directory and all sub directories are searched.

Within vim use n to move to next occurrence of pattern. Ctrl-n moves to next file and ctrl-p moves to the previous file. vim is run with autowrite set. Any directories, unreadable files, or binary files in the file list are ignored.

The pattern is a literal text string. Regular expressions are not supported.

Use -- to terminate the command line options. Any thing that follows -- is treated as the pattern. You can search for patterns that start with - by preceding the pattern with --.


fvi [options] [--] pattern [file ... ]


-i, --ignore-case
  ignore case
-w, --word match a word
-o, --only <glob>
  a glob string used to specify desired files, can use brace expansion to specify multiple globs
-e, --exclude <glob>
  a glob string used to filter out unwanted files, can use brace expansion to specify multiple globs
-H, --hidden include hidden files
-b, --binary do not skip binary files (any not encoded in ascii or utf-8)
-g, --gvim open files in gvim rather than vim
-v, --vim open files in vim rather than gvim
-W, --warn do not suppress warnings about directories and binary files
-h, --help show help message and exit

If both --only and --exclude are specified, both must be satisfied.


Search specified files:

fvi '#!/usr/bin/env python3' ~/bin/*

Search all files in current hierarchy:

fvi 'unknown key'


Runs only on Unix systems. Requires Python 3.6 or later.

Install using:

pip install fvi


The file ~/.config/fvi/settings.nt is read if it exists. This is a NestedText file that can contain settings: vim, gvim, and gui. The first specify the commands used to invoke vim and gvim. The last is a Boolean that indicates whether gvim is used by default (use yes or no). For example:

vim: vimx
gvim: gvim
gui: yes

In this example, vimx is used rather than vim so that copy and paste using X11 works as expected.