
Fuzzy match word finder. Supports multiple simultaneous target strings and fuzzy match rules. (No regex or normalization)

fuzzy, match, search, data-analysis, filter, moderation, nlp, noregex, text-analysis, word, word-filter
pip install fz-word-finder==0.0.7



Fuzzy match word finder. Supports multiple simultaneous target strings and fuzzy match rules. (No regex or normalization) Supports so-called "confusable characters".


  1. To find keywords and their fuzzy matches in text for text mining, data analysis, etc.
  2. To perform detailed keyword-based moderation of online forums, chats, etc.


pip install fz-word-finder


This package allows users to perform fuzzy-match searches of multiple target words simultaneously. It supports both space-delimited natural languages (such as English) and non-space-delimited natural languages (such as Japanese or Chinese).

Users can changes the search settings to:

  1. Ignore or match case
  2. Ignore or match punctuation marks, whitespace characters, diacritics (Ex: “cafe” vs “café”), number variants, etc.
  3. Detect up to three types of text obfuscation:
    1. Replacement of an alphanumeric character with a punctuation mark
    2. Insertion/deletion of whitespace characters/punctuation marks
    3. Replacement of a character with a similar-looking one
  4. Search for only whole-word matches, or both whole-word and substring matches

Search Methods

This package supports four types of search methods:

  1. find_matches() -> This method finds both whole-word and substring matches and returns them as a result.
  2. get_word_indices() -> This method returns the indices of all occurrences of words. By default, only whole-word matches are returned, but both whole-word and substring matches can be obtained if needed.
  3. has_any_target_word() -> This method searches a string for target words. Returns True if the string contains any of the target words set in the finder. This is the fastest search method.
  4. find_partial_matches() -> This method finds whole-word matches, substring matches, and partial matches and returns them as a result.


The wiki (currently under construction) can be found at:


Quick Code Samples

Note: In practice, you would only need to use one of the four search methods.

Default settings. Case is ignored.

from fz_word_finder.finder import fz_finder

my_finder = fz_finder()

target_words = ["hey", "doing"]


source_sentence = "Hey, how are you doing?"

match_results = my_finder.find_matches(source_sentence)

index_results = my_finder.get_word_indices(source_sentence)

print("Match results:")
for result in match_results.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))

print("\nIndex results:")
for result in index_results.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))
print("\n\"{}\" has any target word -> {}".format(source_sentence, my_finder.has_any_target_word(source_sentence, whole_words_only = False)))

Case is matched.

from fz_word_finder.finder import fz_finder

my_finder = fz_finder()

target_words = ["hey", "doing"]



source_sentence = "Hey, how are you doing?"

match_results = my_finder.find_matches(source_sentence)

index_results = my_finder.get_word_indices(source_sentence)

print("Match results:")
for result in match_results.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))

print("\nIndex results:")
for result in index_results.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))
print("\n\"{}\" has any target word -> {}".format(source_sentence, my_finder.has_any_target_word(source_sentence, whole_words_only = False)))

Whitespace and punctuation marks are matched by the finder.

from fz_word_finder.finder import fz_finder

my_finder = fz_finder()

target_word = ["in house"]


source_sentence = "Our in-house team produces our products in house."

match_results = my_finder.find_matches(source_sentence)

index_results = my_finder.get_word_indices(source_sentence)

print("Match results:")
for result in match_results.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))

print("\nIndex results:")
for result in index_results.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))
print("\n\"{}\" has any target word -> {}".format(source_sentence, my_finder.has_any_target_word(source_sentence, whole_words_only = False)))

Whitespace characters and punctuation marks are not matched by the finder. This generates fuzzy matches if source_sentence contains a substring that is similar to a target word but differs by whitespace characters or punctuation marks.

from fz_word_finder.finder import fz_finder

my_finder = fz_finder()

target_word = ["in house"]



source_sentence = "Our in-house team produces our products in house."

match_results = my_finder.find_matches(source_sentence)

index_results = my_finder.get_word_indices(source_sentence)

print("Match results:")
for result in match_results.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))

print("\nIndex results:")
for result in index_results.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))
print("\n\"{}\" has any target word -> {}".format(source_sentence, my_finder.has_any_target_word(source_sentence, whole_words_only = False)))

Find words in which at least one alphanumeric character was replaced by a punctuation mark.

from fz_word_finder.finder import fz_finder

my_finder = fz_finder()

target_word = ["apples"]



source_sentence = "I am allergic to ap*les."

match_results = my_finder.find_matches(source_sentence)

index_results = my_finder.get_word_indices(source_sentence)

print("Match results:")
for result in match_results.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))

print("\nIndex results:")
for result in index_results.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))
print("\n\"{}\" has any target word -> {}".format(source_sentence, my_finder.has_any_target_word(source_sentence, whole_words_only = False)))

Include substrings using get_word_indices().

from fz_word_finder.finder import fz_finder

my_finder = fz_finder()

target_word = ["app"]

source_sentence = "I made an app for people who love apples."

no_ss_index_results = my_finder.get_word_indices(source_sentence)
ss_index_results = my_finder.get_word_indices(source_sentence, whole_words_only = False)

print("No substring results:")
for result in no_ss_index_results.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))

print("\nSubstring results:")
for result in ss_index_results.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))

Loading default variants using the variant_tools module

from fz_word_finder.finder import fz_finder
from fz_word_finder.variant_tools import get_variant_names, get_variant_dict

my_finder = fz_finder()

for variant_dict in get_variant_names():

Loading default variants without variant_tools

from fz_word_finder.finder import fz_finder

my_finder = fz_finder()

Detecting obfuscated text

from fz_word_finder.finder import fz_finder

my_finder = fz_finder()

target_words = ["email", "telephone number"]



source_sentence = "Tell me your e   m@il and t3*3ph0ne-ñumbér."

match_results = my_finder.find_matches(source_sentence)

index_results = my_finder.get_word_indices(source_sentence, whole_words_only = False)

print("Match results:")
for result in match_results.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))

print("\nIndex results:")
for result in index_results.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))
print("\n\"{}\" has any target word -> {}".format(source_sentence, my_finder.has_any_target_word(source_sentence, whole_words_only = False)))

fast_search = True vs fast_search = False

from fz_word_finder.finder import fz_finder

my_finder = fz_finder()

target_words = ["telephone", "number", "telephone number"]


source_sentence = "telephone number"

fast_search_true = my_finder.find_matches(source_sentence)
fast_search_false = my_finder.find_matches(source_sentence, fast_search = False)

print("fast_search = True:")
for result in fast_search_true.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))

print("\nfast_search = False:")
for result in fast_search_false.items():
    print("{} : {}".format(result[0], result[1]))

Variant Lists

The raw forms of the variant lists can be found at the following repository:
