
Python utils for writing gamayun job scripts

pip install gamayun-utils==0.2.0


Python utilities for Gamayun

This is a package containing python utilities for writing Gamayun jobs. Main Gamayun repository can be found here.


Getting the package

Install the package with the following command:

pip3 install gamayun-utils

This package depends on gprcio, which needs C/C++ compilers installed on the system. Needed dependencies on Alpine are:

apk add --no-cache python3 \
&& apk add --no-cache gcc \
&& apk add --no-cache g++ \
&& apk add --no-cache libc-dev \
&& apk add --no-cache linux-headers \
&& apk add --no-cache python3-dev

Note that suggested way of using Gamayun is with Docker, so you don't have to install these dependencies locally. If you are using Docker, there is an image containing Gamayun and Gamayun Python utilities here.

See Gamayun main repo for more information and see example usage here.


This part documents the package API

Reporting results and errors

Functions for reporting results or errors from the script are following:

def report_result_with_strings_only(results)

This function is used when the result we want to report is a list of strings

def report_result_with_maps_only(results)

This function is used when the result we want to report is a list of maps

def report_result_with_maps_and_strings(mapResults, stringResults)

This function is used when the result we want to report is a list of strings and a list of maps

def report_error(error)

This function is used when we want to report error which will be forwarded through the notifier interface

Note that once result or error is reported for the script/gamayun-job, Gamayun will stop listening for results/errors for that job, so in entire job there should be only one call to any of the report functions.

Executing the script logic

There is a function with the following signature in this package:

def run_gamayun_script_logic(callback)

All the script logic should be placed in some function and that function should be given to run_gamayun_script_logic as argument as this will ensure that all uncought exceptions are caught and reported as errors to Gamayun.

So, a job script file should look something like this:

from gamayun_utils import report_result_with_maps_only
from gamayun_utils import report_error
from gamayun_utils import run_gamayun_script_logic

def script_logic():
    # place the script logic here
    if OK:
