
A gambling package for Cards, Dice, and Blackjack

pip install gambling==1.0.0.dev2


Gambling Python Package

A project to create the necessary tools for gambling, such as cards and dice

Author: CJ Stein
Version: 2017.07
Python Version: Only Tested on Python 3

Currently supports creation of:

  • Dice
  • Cards


Input for Dice:

  • num=1 # This is the number of dice to use
  • sides=6 # This is the number of sides on each dice

For 5 6-sided dice for something such as Yahtzee here would be the command:

>>> from gambling import Dice
>>> dice = Dice(num=5)

For a 20 sided dice for something like D&D use this in Python:

>>> from gambling import Dice
>>> dice = Dice(sides=20)

Methods for Dice:

>>> dice.roll()   # This causes the list under the Dice.values to simulate a new roll.
>>> dice.values  # This will show the list of the values on the dice. The list is equal in length to the number of dice


There are two objects in the Cards package:

  • Card
  • Deck

A Deck builds a list of Card objects. Cards rank and suits can be called, along with value if needed for arithmetic needs such as blackjack or war. The input needed for a card is a single letter rank as a string and a single letter suit.

Some things you can get from card:

>>> from gambling import Card, Deck
>>> AceOfSpades = Card('A','S')
>>> TenOfHearts = Card('10','H')
>>> TenOfHearts.rank  # This will return 10
>>> TenOfHearts.suit  # This will return 'H'
>>> AceOfSpades.rank  # This will return 'A'
>>> AceOfSpades.value # This will return 14, 'J' : 11, 'Q':12, 'K':13, 'A':14

Making cards by themselves isn't very useful, but making decks will be useful and you can use the Card object to get a value There is one optional input for Deck:

  • num = 1 # It defaults to using one deck, but you can change that to multiple decks if needed for something like blackjack
>>> PokerDeck = Deck()
>>> PokerDeck.order  # This returns a new deck with the cards in order
>>> PokerDeck.shuffle()  # This shuffles the deck to randomize the order
>>> next(PokerDeck)  # This calls the next card in the deck, the deck can be used as an iterator as such