
GAN Encryption Helper

pip install gan_encryption_helper==0.3


Parameter Encoder

TL;DR Version:

In case you need a refresher on what we're using the Parameter Encoder for:

  • encode_data - Accepts a dictionary and a key and encodes the data - returning a url safe string
  • decode_data - Accepts an encoded data string and a key used to decode it - returns a dict

What it does:

The Parameter Encoder contains two functions - one encodes a dict data and the other decodes a string from the encode function. The key required by both methods is the secret we use to encrypt and decrypt the data.

Any data needed can be added to the parameters dictionary


The encode_data method accepts a dictionary and key. The dictionary can contain but is not limited to:

  • email_id
  • url_id
  • contact_id
  • link_type
  • redirect_url

It then uses the key to encode the dictionary using the DES algorithm and then uses base64 to make it short and urlsafe.


The decode_url function accepts an encoded string and a decryption key and returns a decoded dict usin the key to decrypt the DES algorithm.


In order to run the tests - python