
Get a Newsletter REST API wrapper

Get, a, newsletter, ganapi
pip install ganapi==0.1.0



The ganapi library presents a simple and easy to use interface to the Get a Newsletter's REST API.


  • Python 2.7.6 tested
  • requests 2.2.1
  • httmock for tests


Via PIP:

pip install ganapi


Start by creating an instance of the Api object:

from ganapi import Api

token = '...'
gan_api = Api(token)

Here token variable must contain a valid API token string.

The contact object

The instances of the Contact class represent the contact entities in the API. They have the following fields:

Required fields

  • email - contact's email. It's also a lookup field - required when updating or deleting the contact.

Optional fields

  • attributes - list of the contact's attributes.
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • lists - list of the newsletters for which this contact is subscribed to.

Read-only fields

  • url - the contact's resource URL.
  • active - true if the contact is active and can receive mails, false otherwise.
  • updated - the date of the last change.
  • created - the date of creation.

Retreiving a contact

You have to create an instance of the ContactManager class and then use it's get() method to retrieve the contact you need.

from ganapi import ContactManager

contact_manager = ContactManager(gan_api)
contact = contact_manager.get('')

The manager methods will throw an HTTPError in case of HTTP error from the API, so it's a good idea to catch it.

    contact = contact_manager.get('')
except HTTPError as e:
    if e.response.code == 404:
        print 'Contact not found!'
        print 'API error: ' + e

Querying for contacts

You have to create an instance of the ContactManager class and then use it's query() method to retrieve the contacts you need. query() takes a dict of url parameters and will return a PaginatedResultSet with the first page of contacts in a list in PaginatedResultSet.entities.

# Get PaginatedResultSet containing contacts with emails starting with name@.
queried_contacts = contact_manager.query({'search_email': 'name@'})

# list of contacts in current page(1)

# list of contacts in next page(2) if available and update PaginatedResultSet

# list of contacts in previous page(1) if available and update PaginatedResultSet

Creating a contact

contact = contact_manager.create() = ''
contact.first_name = 'Jane'

This will create a new contact and save it. Again, it'll be a good idea to catch exceptions when calling the save() method. The API will respond with an error if the contact already exists. One way to avoid it is to force the creation of the contact, overwriting the existing one:


Both save() and overwrite() will return the same contact object with it's read-only fields updated (e.g. created, updated).

contact =
print contact.created

Updating an existing contact

# Get the contact.
contact = contact_manager.get('')
# Change some fields.
contact.first_name = 'John'
# Save it.

You can avoid making two calls to the API by forcing a partial update.

contact = contact_manager.create()
contact.set_persisted() = ''
contact.first_name = 'John'

Calling set_persisted() on the contact object marks it like it's already existing and coming from the API. The calls to the save() method when a contact is maked as existing will do only a partial update, i.e. update only the supplied fields and skipping all the None fields. Do not forget that email is a lookup field and required when updating or deleting the contact.

Deleting a contact


The list object

The instances of the List class represent the lists in the API. They have the following structure:

Required fields

  • email - sender's email.
  • name - name of the list.
  • sender - sender's name. * Optional fields
  • description

Lookup field

  • hash - the list's unique hash.

Read-only fields

  • responders_count
  • subcribers
  • created
  • url
  • subscribers_count
  • active_subscribers_count
  • responders

Retreiving, creating, updating and deleting a list

The CRUD operations on lists are no different from the operations on contacts:

list_manager = ListManager(gan_api)

# Retrieve a list.
list = list_manager.get('hash')

# Update the list. = 'my list'
list =
print list.updated

# Create new list.
new_list = list_manager.create() = '' # required fields = 'my new list'
new_list.sender = 'John Doe'

# Partial update.
list = list_manager.create()
list.hash = 'hash' # lookup field = 'updated list'

# Delete the list.

Subscribing a contact to a list


You can also create a new contact automatically subscribed.

contact = contact_manager.create() = ''

Unsubscribing a contact from a list


Deleting a contacts subscription from a list


The attribute object

The instances of the Attribute class represent the attribute entities in the API. They have the following fields:

Required fields

  • name - attribute name.

Lookup field

  • code - the slugified attribute code. required when updating or deleting the attribute. The name "A new attribute" code will be "a-new-attribute"

Read-only fields

  • url - the attribute resource URL.
  • usage_count - number of usages.

Retreiving an attribute

You have to create an instance of the AttributeManager class and then use it's get() method to retrieve the attribute you need.

from ganapi import AttributeManager

attribute_manager = AttributeManager(gan_api)
attribute = attribute_manager.get('code')

The manager methods will raise a HTTPError in case of HTTP error from the API, so it's a good idea to catch it.

    attribute = attribute_manager.get('code')
except HttpError as e:
    if e.response.code == 404:
        print 'Attribute not found!'
        print 'API error: ' + e

Creating an attribute

attribute = attribute_manager.create() = 'City'

This will create a new attribute and save it. Again, it'll be a good idea to catch exceptions when calling the save() method. The API will respond with an error if the attribute already exists. One way to avoid it is to force the creation of the attribute, overwriting the existing one:


Both save() and overwrite() will return the same attribute object with it's read-only fields updated (e.g. url, usage_count).

attribute =
print attribute.usage_count

Updating an existing attribute

# Get the attribute.
attribute = attribute_manager.get('code')
# Change name field. = 'Changed!'
# Save it.

You can avoid making two calls to the API by forcing a partial update.

attribute = attribute_manager.create()
attribute.code = 'code' = 'Changed!'

Calling set_persisted() on the attribute object marks it like it's already existing and coming from the API. The calls to the save() method when a attribute is made as existing will do only a partial update, i.e. update only the supplied fields and skipping all the None fields. Do not forget that code is a lookup field and required when updating or deleting the attribute.

Deleting an attribute


Get all entities of type

You can get all contacts, lists or attributes in a generator using the all() method on their manager.


  • start - start index (default: 0)
  • stop stop index (default: float('inf'))
# Print all contacts emails
all_contacts = contact_manager.all()
for contact in all_contacts:

# Get a generator starting on contact 100 stopping on contact 200
all_contacts = contact_manager.all(start=100, stop=200)

The PaginatedResultSet class

The instance of the PaginatedResultSet class represent the result of get from the API.


  • data - json of result from the query() method in the managers.
  • manager - the manager using query().


  • next_link - URL to get the next page of the results.
  • previous_link - URL to get the previous page of the results.
  • manager - EntityManager currently used.
  • entities - List of Entity for the current result page.
  • count - Total amount of entity results in all pages.


  • prev() - replaces the instance with results from the previous page and returns entities.
  • next() - replaces the instance with results from the next page and returns entities.

next() and prev() will raise StopIteration if the end of the direction has been reached. They will raise HTTPError in case of HTTP error from the API,