
"A library for normalizing gemini:// URLs"

pip install gemurl==1.1.0



A library for normalizing gemini:// URLs


The package can be installed from PyPI using pip:

$ pip install gemurl

Use it like this:

from gemurl import normalize_url

# Should print: gemini://

The package also includes a command like tool:

$ gemurl normalize GEMINI://EXAMPLE.COM:1965

API of gemurl Module

The GemurlError is the base class for all exceptions raised by functions in this module.

normalize_url(url: str) -> str

Normalize a URL according to RFC 3986 and the Gemini specification. Raises NormalizarionError if the input is not a valid (gemini) URL. Raises NonGeminiUrlError (which is a subclass of NormalizarionError) if the scheme is non-gemini.

host_port_pair_from_url(normalized_url: str) -> tuple[str, int]

Get a (host, port) tuple suitable for connecting a socket. The input URL must be normalized for this function to work correctly.

capsule_prefix(normalized_url: str) -> str

Find the prefix of the URL that uniquely identifies its capsule. Two URLs belong to the same capsule if the hostnames and ports match, but if the path begins with "/~USER/" or "/users/USER/", then the USER part needs to match too.

This definition is borrowed from khuxkm's Molniya. Thanks!


The normamlization function ensures that:

  • Scheme and host case are always lowercase.
  • The host is IDNA-encoded, if it has non-ASCII characters.
  • The port is removed if it has the default 1965 value.
  • Percent encoding hex digit are always uppercase.
  • Non-reserved characters are never percent encoded.
  • Non-printable (and non-ASCII) characters are always percent encoded.
  • Percent encoding of reserved characters are not changed (since that would change the meaning).
  • URLs with no paths get a single slash path.
  • . and .. path segments are collapsed.
  • Empty queries and fragments are distinct from missing ones.
  • See test cases in in te source code for the full list.

Ideas for Future Improvements

  • Function to resolve relative URLs
  • Function to convert URLs to display form (decode percent and IDNA encoding)