
From hkwi's geohash module, geohash abstractions that can be used for creating indexs, etc.

pip install geohash_logic==1.0


Geohash Logic

From hkwi's geohash module, geohash abstractions that can be used for creating indexs, etc.

Basically just a module that currently is part of berrl but is basically written on top of this geohash module, contains simple functions like given a top left corner and a bottom right corner return a geometrically accurate index/colomns pandas dataframe of the square the two corners create.

I'm sure it does much more then what I'm listing, so I'll just post a picture of some of the things I did when creating it. It's mainly intended for geospatial complexity reduction, i.e. you can turn a plot of floats into a x,y grid index very easily.