
Retrieve lists of free HTTP proxies from online sites.

proxy, http
pip install getprox==0.1.1



Package Description

GetProx is a library for retrieving lists of free HTTP proxies from various online sites.


The package may be installed as follows:

pip install getprox

Retrieval of proxies from certain online sites requires the following extra packages:

If the latter dependencies are not available, the proxy sites that require them are automatically disabled.

Usage Examples

To retrieve proxies from all available sources, invoke the package as follows:

import getprox
proxy_uri_list = getprox.proxy_get()

Proxies are returned in http://host:port format. By default, the proxies will be tested using a simple timeout test to determine whether they are alive. A list of supported proxy sources can be obtained via

proxy_src_list = getprox.sources()

Proxies may also be obtained from a specific source or sources. For example:

proxy_uri_list = getprox.proxy_get('letushide')

Internally, proxy retrieval and testing is performed asynchronously; one can also access the asynchronous mechanism as follows:

p = getprox.ProxyGet()
# .. wait for a while ..
proxy_src_list = p.get()

Instantiation of the ProxyGet class will launch threads that perform retrieval and testing. If the threads finish running, the get() method will return the retrieved proxy URIs; if not, the method will return an empty list.


The latest release of the package may be obtained from GitHub.

To Do

  • Add support for more proxy sources.
  • Expose proxy selection options for specific sources.
  • Provide more robust proxy checking algorithm.


See the included AUTHORS.rst file for more information.


This software is licensed under the BSD License. See the included LICENSE.rst file for more information.