
Generates Github-Flavored Markdown Tables of Contents from ``s

markdown, toc, table, contents
pip install gfmtoc==1.1.1


This was intended to be a Python port of Eugene Kalinin’s gh-md-toc shell script, but I ended up throwing out all of the original code / architecture, so I’m making a new repository.

It works basically the same, but has a few more options, including numbered lists with -n! Also, the input file defaults to

Table of Contents

  2. Table of Contents
  3. Arguments and Usage
    1. Usage
    2. Arguments
      1. Quick reference table
      2. -h, --help
      3. -
      4. --license
      5. -n, --number
      6. -e, --equals
      7. --header (Default: 'Table of Contents')
      8. --no-header
      9. --encoding (Default: 'utf-8')
      10. --header-depth (Default: 1)
      11. -v, --version
  4. License

(I’m obligated to have this here, right?)

Arguments and Usage


usage: gh-md-toc [-h] [-] [--license] [-n] [-e] [--header HEADER]
                 [--no-header] [--encoding ENCODING]
                 [--header-depth HEADER_DEPTH] [-v]
                 [src_file [src_file ...]]


Quick reference table

Short Long Description
-h --help show this help message and exit
- Read from STDIN instead of a file
--license Print license information and exit
-n --number Generate a numbered list instead of a bulleted one
-e --equals Use equals signs (=) on the next line instead of hashes (#) for level one and two headers
--header Custom text for the section header. Default: Table of Contents
--no-header Don't generate a table header
--encoding Encoding of all input files. Default: utf-8
--header-depth Header depth; number of hashes to output before the top. Default: 1
-v --version show program's version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Read from STDIN instead of a file.


Print license information (MIT) and exit.

-n, --number

Generate a numbered list instead of a bulleted list.

-e, --equals

Use equals signs (=) on the next line instead of hashes (#) in the header text. Purely cosmetic, does not effect rendered HTML.

--header (Default: 'Table of Contents')

Custom text for the section header. Default: Table of Contents.


Don't generate a table header.

--encoding (Default: 'utf-8')

Encoding of all input files. Frankly, there's no excuse to ever use this argument

--header-depth (Default: 1)

Header depth; number of hashes to output before the header.

-v, --version

show program's version number and exit


MIT / Expat, see license.txt.