
Ghetto Queue using Redis or Django Models.

pip install ghettoq==0.4.4


ghettoq - Ghetto Queue using Redis or Django Models.

:version: 0.4.5


ghettoq is a ghetto queue framework, used to implement Redis, MongoDB, 
Beanstalk, CouchDB, and Django database support for

.. _`carrot`:


You can install ``ghettoq`` either via the Python Package Index (PyPI)
or from source.

To install using ``pip``,::

    $ pip install ghettoq

To install using ``easy_install``,::

    $ easy_install ghettoq

If you have downloaded a source tarball you can install it
by doing the following,::

    $ python build
    # python install # as root


    >>> from ghettoq.simple import Connection
    >>> import simplejson

    >>> conn = Connection("redis", host="localhost", database=1)

    >>> # Publishing messages
    >>> q = conn.Queue("tasks")
    >>> payload = {"name": "George Constanza"}
    >>> q.put(simplejson.dumps(payload))

    >>> # Consuming messages
    >>> message = q.get()
    >>> simplejson.loads(message)
    {"name": "George Constanza"}

    # Empty raises ghettoq.messaging.Empty
    >>> q.get()

Using Django database support

If settings is already configured you don't have to specify any
connection options.

    >>> from ghettoq.simple import Connection

    >>> conn = Connection("database")
    >>> queue = conn.Queue(name="tasks")
    >>> queue.put("To whom it may concern")
    >>> queue.get()
    "To whom it may concern"

Using MongoDB support

If settings is already configured you don't have to specify any
connection options. The settings attrs used are:

* BROKER_HOST: '' if not set
* BROKER_PORT: 27017 if not set
* BROKER_VHOST (Database Name): 'ghettoq' if not set
* Collection name: "messages"... should be added support for BROKER_COL settings var?

    >>> from ghettoq.simple import Connection

    >>> conn = Connection("mongodb")
    >>> queue = conn.Queue(name="tasks")
    >>> queue.put("To whom it may concern")
    >>> queue.get()
    "To whom it may concern"

Using Beanstalk support

Requires the beanstalkc python library. If settings is already configured you 
don't have to specify any connection options. The settings attrs used are:

* BROKER_HOST: 'localhost' if not set
* BROKER_PORT: 11300 if not set
* BROKER_VHOST: 'ghettoq' if not set

    >>> from ghettoq.simple import Connection

    >>> conn = Connection("beanstalk")
    >>> queue = conn.Queue(name="tasks")
    >>> queue.put("To whom it may concern")
    >>> queue.get()
    "To whom it may concern"

Beanstalk also supports priorities. Jobs with lower priory numbers are
executed before jobs with higher numbers. This number defaults to 0
and ranges from 0 to 2**32 - 1.

	>>> queue.put("spam", priority=3)
	>>> queue.get()

Using CouchDB support

If settings is already configured you don't have to specify any
connection options. The settings attrs used are:

* BROKER_HOST: '' if not set
* BROKER_PORT: 5984 if not set
* BROKER_VHOST (Database Name): 'ghettoq' if not set
* View name: "ghettoq/messages"

    >>> from ghettoq.simple import Connection

    >>> conn = Connection("couchdb")
    >>> queue = conn.Queue(name="tasks")
    >>> queue.put("To whom it may concern")
    >>> queue.get()
    "To whom it may concern"

The couchdb backend requires the couchdb python module.


This software is licensed under the ``New BSD License``. See the ``LICENSE``
file in the top distribution directory for the full license text.

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