
A tool for searching GitHub

GitHub, Replacement, Automated, Commit
pip install ghsearcher==0.0.1


GitHub Searcher

ghsearcher is a utility for searching GitHub from the command line.


  1. Install with pip pip install ghsearcher
  2. (Optional) you can either export an environment variable named "GH_TOKEN" or include it in a local .env file to ensure you can make the most requests. See "Creating a personal access token" for more information on how to do so.
usage: ghsearcher [-h] [-v] [--debug]
                  [-e {users,code,issues,commits,labels,repos,topics}] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                  -q QUERY [QUERY ...]

Search for things in GitHub

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --debug               Set this if you would like to see verbose logging.
  -e {users,code,issues,commits,labels,repos,topics}, --endpoint {users,code,issues,commits,labels,repos,topics}
                        Endpoint you would like to search
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        File name for where you want the JSON output to go. eg:
                        output/test will output a file in the output dir with the file
                        name test-2022-01-01.json
  -q QUERY [QUERY ...], --query QUERY [QUERY ...]
                        Query you would like to use to search

To learn about building queries you can check the following documentaiton for GitHubs search queries:

Here is a simple example. The Kafka project is trying to better track if users are having issues with implementing their kafka into thier project so the create a data pipeline with the following to find issues in other repos featuring Kafka.

This example finds all issues including "Kafka" created on or after 2022-01-18 and outputting it to kafka_output_file-(todays date).json

# The source is a repo and it is running against the gh_dorks_test.txt file
ghsearcher -e issues -q "Kafka created:>2022-01-18" -o kafka_output_file