
CLI Git Sleuth Tool

information-security, osint, python3
pip install giggity==1.0.1


Giggity - grab hierarchical data about a github organization, user, or repo

Get information about an organization, user, or repo on github. Stores all data in a json file, organized in a tree of dictionaries for easy database transfer or data analysis. All done through the github api, with or without authentication (authentication highly recommended).


pip3 install giggity

or clone the repository and run:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Operation [-h] [-v] [-a] [-u] [-o] [-O OUTPUT] path

positional arguments:
  path                  name of organization or user (or url of repository)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
  -a, --authenticate    allows github authentication to avoid ratelimiting
  -u, --user            denotes that given input is a user
  -o, --org             denotes that given input is an organization
  -O OUTPUT, --outfile OUTPUT
                        location to put generated json file

Example of Scraping a User

python3 -a -O needmorecowbell.json -v -u needmorecowbell
  • This will ask for authentication credentials, put the program into verbose mode, scrape github for the user needmorecowbell, then put the results into needmorecowbell.json

Example of Scraping an Organization

python3 -a -o github -O github.json
  • This will ask for authentication, scrape the github organization on github, then put out the results in github.json

Giggity as a Module

  • giggity can also be used as a module -- all data is stored within orgTree as a nested dict.
from giggity import giggity

g = giggity("username","password")
data = g.getUsers("organization-name", followers=True)

print("List of users in organization: ")
for user, info in data.items():

data = g.getEmails("username", verbose=True) # Get any emails found

Other examples of how to use giggity are available in the util folder.

Example Output

When python3 -a -u geohot -O output.json is used..

output.json contains:

    "emails": [
        "other emails taken out of example"
    "names": [
        "Charles Ellis",
        "George Hotz"
    "repos": {
        "ORB_SLAM2": {
            "created_at": "2017-04-08T00:21:13Z",
            "description": "ORBSLAM2 running on Mac OS X cause I was on a plane and bored and maybe useful for someone?",
            "fork": true,
            "name": "ORB_SLAM2",
            "updated_at": "2018-10-22T23:51:28Z",
            "url": ""
        { Many more repositories cut out for the example },
        "xnu-deps-linux": {
            "created_at": "2013-10-02T00:36:29Z",
            "description": "Mig/cctools for Linux combo makefile thingy",
            "fork": true,
            "name": "xnu-deps-linux",
            "updated_at": "2016-05-01T16:04:45Z",
            "url": ""