
IPython magics to work with gists

pip install gist-magic==0.2.1



A Jupyter Notebook interface for Gists

Gist-magic is a Python module that adds "magic" functions to a Jupyter Notebooks. It allows users to save code cells as Gists, group cells together, and execute code from saved gists.


pip install gist-magic


The magics are designed to be used inside a Jupyter Notebook, and each of the examples below assume they're being run within a notebook environment.

Loading the extension

%reload_ext gist_magic

Setting access tokens

Gist-magic uses your github account's Personal Access Token in order to save gists to your account. Before you can save any code, you'll need to register a token.

%gist token <personal access token>

Listing your Gists

%gist list [--limit N]

Insert a Gist

%gist <gist_id> [--evaluate --no-display]

Save a cell as a gist

%%gist [<id>] [-f -d 'a happy description']

Delete a gist

%gist delete <id>


A preset is a special way to group gists together so that many gists can be pulled into a notebook and evaulated at once. Once a preset has been registered in a notebook, all saved gists will be attached to that preset unless the gist is given a name other than "".

Allocating a Preset

Creates a new preset and prints its ID to the cell output.

%gist preset

Activate a preset

In order for a preset to be used you must activate the preset id.

%gist preset id -> activate that preset (evaluate all the gists in it)