
Github Gist client allowing for quick uploads via commandline.

client, gist, python, python3
pip install gistbin==0.1.2



Upload Python Package

Github Gist client allowing for quick uploads via commandline!


Via pip:

pip3 install gistbin


git clone
cd gistbin
pip install .



Because Gistbin uses the GitHub API, authentication is required. This requires a Github Personal Access Token, instructions of where to find and how to generate can be found here. To authenticate, simply run gistbin --login after installing and enter the prompted information. Here is an example:

octocat@octoserv:~$ gistbin --login
Enter GitHub username: octocat
Enter GitHub access token: ****************
Keyfile saved.

The key file is saved at $HOME/.gistbin/auth.json.


To use, simply pipe the file you want to upload into Gistbin like so:

octocat@octoserv:~$ cat hello_world.rb | gistbin

By default, the gist that you upload is given a random name and a .txt extension with a blank description. You can edit this later on the gist's webpage, or you can also pass the --name and --desc to add a name and description respectively. You can also use the shortcut parameters, -n and -d.

octocat@octoserv:~$ cat test.cs | gistbin -n "test.cs"

Another option is by adding file metadata. Here is an example:

# name:
# desc: this is a test
# public: true

print("Hello world!")
octocat@octoserv:~$ cat | gistbin

Here are a few more examples of metadata in files:

// name: test.js
// desc: This is a test
// public: false

console.log("Hello world!");
#include <iostream>

// name: test.cpp
// desc: Hello World in C++
// public: true

int main() {
  std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;
  return 0;
-- name: test.lua
-- desc: test program
-- public: false


If you want to make your gists public, just pass the -p or --public flag.

octocat@octoserv:~$ cat requirements.txt | gistbin -p -n "requirements.txt" -d "Gistbin requirements"

If you want to get the raw url for the uploaded file, such as if you want to then download the file immediately onto another machine, you can pass the -r or --raw argument.

octocat@octoserv:~$ cat | gistbin -n "" -r

If you are on a platform that does not support piping in to STDIN, you can instead give GistBin a path to a file with the -f or --file command. This works with a single file or multiple files, but will not work with the --raw flag. This is also the only way to get GistBin working on Windows.

octocat@octoserv:~$ gistbin -f singleBrick.scad singleBrick.stl # this is an ASCII STL, GistBin does not work with binary files.

You can also get the instructions for all of these commands with the help flag:

octocat@octoserv:~$ gistbin -h
usage: gistbin [-h] [-n NAME] [-v] [-d DESC] [--login] [-p] [-r] [-f FILES [FILES ...]]

A commandline tool for GitHub Gists.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Gives your gist a name. Input as a string. Default is random.
  -v, --verbose         Enables verbose output.
  -d DESC, --desc DESC  Gives your gist a description. Input as a string.
  --login               Login to GitHub Gists.
  -p, --public          Sets your Gist to public.
  -r, --raw             Makes Gistbin return the raw URL instead of the HTML URL of the file.
  -f FILES [FILES ...], --file FILES [FILES ...]
                        Gives Gistbin a list of files to upload. Also works with a single file.

Gistbin doesn't just work with cat you can pipe any terminal output (that ends) into it! For example, if you wanted to list all the files in a directory, you could use ls -1 | gistbin -n "filelist.txt". If you wanted to get all the logs from yesterday from the journal, you could run journalctl --since yesterday | gistbin -n "yesterday-today-journal.log". The possibilities are endless!