
Continuous backup and recoverable trash can for Git

Git, Backup, CLI
pip install git-blackhole==0.1.0.post1


git-blackhole --- Continuous backup and recoverable trash can for Git

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Use pip:

pip install git-blackhole

Directly download from GitHub:

curl --output git-blackhole
chmod u+x git-blackhole


git blackhole init [--name <repo>] <url>
git blackhole push [--remote <repo>]
git blackhole warp [--remote <repo>]
git blackhole trash-branch [--remote <repo>] <branch>
git blackhole trash-stash [--remote <repo>] <stash_range>
git blackhole fetch-trash [--remote <repo>]
git blackhole ls-trash
git blackhole show-trash
git blackhole rm-local-trash (--all | <ref>...)
git blackhole [<subcommand>] (-h|--help)


The aim of git-blackhole is to connect any of your repositories to a single repository ("blackhole" repository) to which you can push any commits --- WIP commits, branches no longer needed, and useless stashes.

There are three main features of git-blackhole:

  1. Continuous backup. You can use git-blackhole to continuously backup commits in background to a remote repository (or actually any repository) called blackhole repository.

    Run git blackhole init and then setup post-commit hook to run git blackhole push. See the help of git blackhole push for the details.

    By combining with git-wip command, you can backup/share uncommitted changes as well.

  2. Sharing local repository state. Since git-blackhole can push commits and the location of HEAD to the blackhole repository, the state of a repository in one machine is accessible from other machines.

    For example, if you forget to push a commit from your desktop (to the usual remote) but want to resume the work from your laptop, git blackhole warp would be helpful.

  3. Recoverable trash can. Use git blackhole trash-branch and git blackhole trash-stashes to remove branches and stashes from the local repository after sending them to the remote blackhole repository. They are stored remotely as ordinary branches so that you can recover them easily.

git blackhole init

Add blackhole remote at url with name.

This command runs git remote add <name> <url> and configure appropriate remote.<name>.fetch and remote.<name>.pushe properties so that remote blackhole repository at url acts as if it is a yet another remote repository.

To be more precise, each local branch is related to the branch at the blackhole remote with the prefix heads/$HOST/$RELPATH/ where $HOST is the name of local machine and $RELPATH is the path of the repository relative to $HOME.

git blackhole warp
Peek into other repositories through the blackhole.
git blackhole push

Push branches and HEAD forcefully to blackhole remote.

Note that local HEAD is pushed to the remote branch named heads/$HOST/$RELPATH/HEAD (see help of git blackhole init) instead of real remote HEAD. This way, if the blackhole remote is shared with other machine, you can recover the HEAD at $HOST.

It is useful to call this command from the post-commit hook:

nohup git blackhole push --no-verify &> /dev/null &

See also githooks(5).

To push revisions created by git-wip command, add option --ref-glob='refs/wip/*'.

git blackhole trash-branch

[EXPERIMENTAL] Save branch in blackhole remote before deletion.

The branch is pushed to the branch of the blackhole remote named trash/$HOST/$RELPATH/$SHA1[:2]/$SHA1[2:] where $HOST is the name of local machine, $RELPATH is the path of the repository relative to $HOME, and $SHA1 is the revision of the commit. (To be more precise, $SHA is the revision of the commit recording the revision of branch and some meta information).

Use git blackhole fetch-trash to retrieve all trashes from remote and store them locally. Commands git blackhole ls-branch and git blackhole show-branch can be used to list and show trash commits.


Commands to navigate through trashes (e.g., git blackhole show-branch) are still preliminary. Furthermore, how trash metadata is stored may change in the future. However, since trashes are ordinary git branches in remote, they can be dealt with standard git commands.

git blackhole trash-stash

[EXPERIMENTAL] Save stashes in blackhole remote before deletion.

It works as (almost) the same way as git blackhole trash-branch.

Several stashes can be specified in stash_range. It takes single numbers (e.g., 3) and ranges (e.g., 3-5 or 8-) separated by commas. Each range is in the form x-y which selects stashes x, x+1, x+2, ..., y. The upper limit y can be omitted, meaning "until the last stash". For example, when you have stashes 0 to 10, git blackhole trash-stash 0,3-5,8- removes stashes 0, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10.

git blackhole fetch-trash
Fetch trashes from remote to refs/bh/trash/.
git blackhole ls-trash
List trashes fetched by git blackhole fetch-trash.
git blackhole show-trash
Run git show on trashes fetched by git blackhole fetch-trash.
git blackhole rm-local-trash
Remove trashes fetched by git blackhole fetch-trash.


git blackhole init

--verbose, -v print git commands to run (default: False)
--dry-run, -n do nothing when given. Use it with --verbose to see what is going to happen. (default: False)
--name NAME name of the remote blackhole repository (default: blackhole)

git blackhole warp

--verbose, -v print git commands to run (default: False)
--dry-run, -n do nothing when given. Use it with --verbose to see what is going to happen. (default: False)
--name NAME Name of the repository at <HOST>:<RELPATH>, accessed through the blackhole. Set to "bh_<HOST>" if empty. (default: )
--url URL URL of the remote blackhole repository Use remote.<REMOTE>.url if not given. (default: None)
--remote REMOTE
  name of the remote blackhole repository (default: blackhole)
--relpath RELPATH
  The repository relative to the $HOME at <HOST>. Use current repository root if empty. (default: None)

git blackhole push

--verbose, -v print git commands to run (default: False)
--dry-run, -n do nothing when given. Use it with --verbose to see what is going to happen. (default: False)
--verify passed to git-push (default: None)
--no-verify passed to git-push (default: True)
--remote REMOTE
  name of the remote blackhole repository (default: blackhole)
--ref-glob REF_GLOBS
  add glob patterns to be pushed, e.g., wip/* (default: [])
--ignore-error quick with code 0 on error (default: False)
  do nothing if git blackhole is not configured (default: False)

git blackhole trash-branch

--verbose, -v print git commands to run (default: False)
--dry-run, -n do nothing when given. Use it with --verbose to see what is going to happen. (default: False)
--verify passed to git-push (default: None)
--no-verify passed to git-push (default: True)
--remote REMOTE
  name of the remote blackhole repository (default: blackhole)
--remove-upstream, -u
  remove branch in upstream repository. i.e., remove branch.<branch>.merge at branch.<branch>.remote. ignored if no remote is set. (default: False)

git blackhole trash-stash

--verbose, -v print git commands to run (default: False)
--dry-run, -n do nothing when given. Use it with --verbose to see what is going to happen. (default: False)
--verify passed to git-push (default: None)
--no-verify passed to git-push (default: True)
--remote REMOTE
  name of the remote blackhole repository (default: blackhole)
--keep-stashes, -k
  when this option is given, do not remove local stashes. (default: False)

git blackhole fetch-trash

--verbose, -v print git commands to run (default: False)
--dry-run, -n do nothing when given. Use it with --verbose to see what is going to happen. (default: False)
--remote REMOTE
  name of the remote blackhole repository (default: blackhole)

git blackhole ls-trash

--verbose, -v print git commands to run (default: False)
--dry-run, -n do nothing when given. Use it with --verbose to see what is going to happen. (default: False)

git blackhole show-trash

--verbose, -v print git commands to run (default: False)
--dry-run, -n do nothing when given. Use it with --verbose to see what is going to happen. (default: False)

git blackhole rm-local-trash

--verbose, -v print git commands to run (default: False)
--dry-run, -n do nothing when given. Use it with --verbose to see what is going to happen. (default: False)
--all, -a remove all local copy of trashes (default: False)