
Allows running custom commands on a git remote.

pip install git-remote-run==1.0



This package defines a git-remote-run command, which allows running custom commands on a git remote.

This can be used, for example, to set up the actual remote repository, as in:

$ git remote add remote-repo user@server:path/to/repo
$ git remote-run remote-repo -c '
    mkdir -p $REPO_DIR
    git init --bare $REPO_DIR
    echo echo it works! > $REPO_DIR/hooks/update
    chmod +x $REPO_DIR/hooks/update'
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/path/to/repo/
$ git push remote-repo master
remote: it works!

See git remote-run -h for more options.

How does it work?

git-remote-run doesn't attempt any parsing of the git remote URL on its own, nor does it make assumptions about the transport used. Instead, it relies on git's built-in ability to run commands on the remote side.

Git uses this ability in its git archive --remote=... command, to create an archive of a remote repository. We abuse this ability a little bit by sending a custom script to run as the --exec parameter.


Radek Czajka


This project is licensed under the MIT License – see the LICENSE file for details.