
Manage git repo from a distant location (within the same machine)

git, remote
pip install git-rsrc==0.1.0



What is git-r?

git-r is a python module to manage git repositories from a distant folder. We provide an executable git-r which is a wrapper around the traditional git command and can be called from any location to make change to a particular git repository on the machine.


No special dependencies. Work for both python2.7 and python 3.X.


The best is to use pip

pip install git-r

Make sure that the executable is in your path.

Quick examples

The general usage is very simple

git-r <command> [<options>] <repo_name>

Note that command can be any git commands.

Say now I have a repo at /some/path/repo. First, you need to create the .git-rrc file in your $HOME and register repo (see the example provided). git-r allows you to do that from the command line:

julien:workspace$ git-r add_repo /some/path/repo
.git-rrc does not exist. Now created at $HOME/.git-rrc.

This message will appear only once when the file is created. Then you can as many repo as you want. You can also overwrite the location of an old repo:

julien:workspace$ git-r add_repo /some/new/path/repo
Repo already in the .git-rrc file!
Path used is /some/path/repo
Do you want to overwrite it? [Y/n]

Example 1: Pull

Imagine I am working from a distant folder /some/other/path/workspace (but still the same machine!) and I want to pull the latest change from repo:

julien:workspace$ git-r pull repo
Repo: /some/path/repo
<can ask password>
Already up-to-date.

Example 2: Changing branch

Imagine I am working from a distant folder /some/other/path/workspace (but still the same machine!) and I want to switch from the master branch to mybranch branch in repo:

julien:workspace$ git-r checkout mybranch repo
Repo: /some/path/repo
Switched to branch 'mybranch'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/mybranch'.
