
use SVN repositories like Git submodules

git, submodules, svn
pip install git-svnmodule==0.1.2



git svnmodule - track svn repositories as modules in git PyPI Downloads PyPI Version

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Git-svnmodule is a Git extension that allows you to track SVN repositories like submodules in your project's history. Similar to git-submodules, the SVN repository information is stored in a .svnmodules configuration file. A slight difference in that regard however is that the SVN repository revision numbers are stored in the same file.

You can edit the .svnmodules file manually or add SVN modules from the command-line using the git svnmodule add command. Here's an example session adding a repository and checking out the most recent revision.

niklas@sunbird ~/project$ git svnmodule add svn://
niklas@sunbird ~/project$ git svnmodule update
svnmodule: update: assets = None
A    assets\Scenes
A    assets\Scenes\TestingTrack.unity
A    assets\Scenes\Menu.unity
A    assets\Scenes\Server.unity
A    assets\Scenes\TestingTrack.unity.meta
A    assets\Scenes\looping.unity
A    assets\Scenes\Menu.unity.meta
A    assets\Scenes\Server.unity.meta
A    assets\Scenes\looping.unity.meta
Checked out revision 3.
niklas@sunbird ~/project$ cat .svnmodules
url = svn://
revision = 3


usage: git svnmodule [-h] {init,add,revsync,update,format-authorized-keys} ...

positional arguments:
    init                install Git post-checkout hook
    add                 add a svn module to `.svnmodules`
    revsync             synchronize the revision number of all or a specific
                        svn module and write them into `.svnmodules`
    update              check out all or a specific svn module/s at the
                        revisions tracked by Git
                        format an OpenSSH authorized_keys file for SSH+SVN
                        from a directory of public keys.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


  1. Goto and follow the instructions to install Python 3 on your system (if it is not already installed)
  2. On Windows, make sure you don't install Python to a path that contains whitespace! (see pypa/pip#2783).
  3. Run pip install --user git-svnmodule from the command-line
  4. Run python -c "import site; print(site.USER_BASE)" and make sure the bin folder (Unix) or Scripts folder (Windows) inside the printed directory is on your PATH environment variable
  5. Use git svnmodule



  • add git svnmodule format-authorized-keys command
  • #5 pip install: git-hooks data files not included


  • #3 make sure .svnmodules section/option order remains consistent
  • #2 update command now updates revision numbers