
HTTP server to handle POST notifications of updated repositories on GitHub and BitBucket.

pip install git-update-server==0.20


Runs a HTTP server for GitHub (or BitBucket) POST service hooks and allows a
local script or command to be run (such as `git pull`) whenever an update is
pushed to the remote repository.

Install using:

    $ python install


    $ pip install git-update-server

Then refer to the help:

    $ git-update-server -h

    usage: git-update-server [-h] [--port port] [--daemon] [--git-pull repo path]
                             [--command repo command] [--log-level level]
                             [--log-output output]

    This program runs a web server to receive POST notifications when a git
    repository is updated on GitHub (or BitBucket). You can configure this server
    to git pull local clones of the repositories, or even run your own command
    whenever a repository is updated.

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --port port           the port on which to listen for HTTP POST requests
                            from GitHub or BitBucket (default: 51249)
      --daemon              run the server as a daemon

      Actions to take when a repository is updated. You should specify at least
      one of these actions, otherwise the server will be quite useless. You can
      add multiple actions for multiple repositories.

      --git-pull repo path  run `git pull` in `path` when repository `repo` is
      --command repo command
                            run `command` when repository `repo` is updated

      --log-level level     log level (default: INFO)
      --log-output output   where to log output (default: stderr)