
Access a git repository like a python dict

git pygit2
pip install gitdict==0.1.2


gitdict – Dict Like Access to a Git Repository

The great pygit2 package enables working with python on a git repository on a fast but low level basis.

The gitdict package builds on pygit2 and offers a simple interface to the git repository, but is currently limited to reading from a repository.

One of the main goals - beside providing a nice git access - is to use this in a pyramid web application with a traversal style routing. There is a small example pyramid project to demonstrate this. Of cause, the package can also be used otherwise ;-)

The documentation consists mainly of examples.

Introduction by Example

# open a Repository
import gitdict
repo = Repository('/path/to/gitdict.git')

# read a folder and a file from the repository
folder = repo['docs']
file = folder['']

# access to file data == b'gitdict - Dict Like Access […]'
file.text == 'gitdict - Dict Like Access […]'
# iterate over lines in a file, just like with standard python open()
for line in file:

# data about the last change to the file
last_change = file.last_commit
last_change.message == 'latest commit message' == pygit2.Signature('Holger Frey', '')

# all changes done to a file
file.history == [commit_3, commit_2, commit_1]
# difference between current and a previous version
patch = file.diff(commit_1)


There are three main classes in the gitdict package:

  • Repository: used to open a git repository, acts also as the 'root folder'
  • Folder: like a folder in the file system, located inside a repository
  • File: like a file in the file system, stores data and is located inside a folder

A Folder or a File object should not be created directly but retrieved either from a Repository or another Folder.

Some methods just act as a proxy to the underlying pygit2 object, others do some extra work. In some cases pygit2 object are directly exposed to the user. But this only happens where simplification is not needed, IMHO.

Shared Api

This is common in Repository, Folder and File

  • git_path: path of the object in the git repository
  • last_commit: last commit that introduced a change
  • history: list of commits, that introduced changes, newest first
  • diff(commit, reference=None): difference between the current object and a previous version, if reference is None, the current commit is used to calculate the commit

The Repository, Folder have a dict-like read-only access to contained objects in common:

  • name in repo_or_folder: check if a file or folder exists
  • repo_or_folder[name]: retrieve a file or folder, might raise KeyError
  • repo_or_folder.get(name, default=None): retrieve a file or folder, or default value
  • len(repo_or_folder): number of contained files and folders
  • repo_or_folder.keys(): iterator with the name of all contained files and folders
  • repo_or_folder.values(): iterator with all contained files and folders
  • repo_or_folder.items(): iterator with tuples of (name, file_or_folder)
  • for name in repo_or_folder: iterator interface
  • repo_or_folder.walk(): similar to os.walk()

Note of Warning

This package was developed on Mac OS X and Python 3.5. There is currently no such thing as testing on other platforms or Python versions.

If the installation with python3 doesn't work, try to install pygit2 manually first - this is the tricky part. E.g. on my setup the cffi-package was missing.

In other words: Works for me ;-)


Well, I decided to go with the Simplified BSD License.

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