
The sample code provides script to migrate repositories from GitLab to AWS CodeCommit.

AWS, Codecommit, GitLab, Migration, Move
pip install gitlab-to-codecommit-migration==0.4.0


GitLab to CodeCommit Migration

Script to migrate from GitLab to Amazon CodeCommit easily and setup your AWS environment with CodeCommit, CodePipeline and CodeDeploy as well.

License Summary

This sample code is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file.


  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<your-private-key-name>

Host git-codecommit.*
  User APKEXAMPLEEXAMPLE-replace-with-your-user
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<your-private-key-name>

This way the git client uses the key for both domains and the correct user. Make sure to use the SSH key ID and not the AWS Access key ID


After you have set up the environment, I recommend to test the migration with one sample project. On a command line, type

gitlab-to-codecommit --gitlab-access-token youraccesstokenhere --gitlab-url --repository-names namespace/sample-project

It will take around 30 seconds for the CloudFormation template to create the AWS CodeCommit repository and the AWS CodePipeline and deploy the Lambda function. While deploying or when you are interested in the setup you can check the state in the AWS Management Console in the CloudFormation service section and look at the template.