
Helping your through the Tornado.

pip install glinda==1.0.1



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Glinda is a companion library for tornado. It is an attempt to make your time with the framework less painful. In fact, I want to make it downright enjoyable. I started down the path of developing HTTP endpoints in Tornado and needing to test them. The tornado.testing package is handy for testing endpoints in isolation. But what do you do when you have a HTTP service that is calling other HTTP services asynchronously. It turns out that testing that is not as easy as it should be. That is the first thing that I tackled and it is the first thing that this library is going to offer -- a way to test non-trivial services.

Once you can test your application, the next step is to write a well-behaved application that fits into the WWW nicely. Tornado does a pretty nice job of handling the nitty gritty HTTP details (e.g., CTE, transfer encodings). It doesn't provide a clean way to handle representations transparently so I decided to add that into this library as well.

Content Handling

Tornado has some internal content decoding accessible by calling the get_body_arguments method of tornado.web.RequestHandler. It will decode basic form data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data specifically. Anything else is left up to you. glinda exposes a content handling mix-in that imbues a standard RequestHandler with a property that is the decoded request body and a new method to encode a response. Here's what it looks like:

class MyHandler(glinda.content.HandlerMixin, web.RequestHandler):
    def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
        body_argument = self.request_body['arg']
        # do stuff

if __name__ == '__main__':
                                      dumper=json.dumps, loader=json.loads)
                                        msgpack.dumpb, msgpack.loadb)

When the client sends a post with a content type of application/json, it will decode the binary body to a string according to the HTTP headers and call json.loads to decode the body when you reference the request_body property. Failures are handled by raising a HTTPError(400) so you don't have to worry about handling malformed messages. The send_response method will take care of figuring out the appropriate content type based on any included Accept headers. All that you have to do is install encoding and decoding handlers for expected content types.

The glinda.content package implements content handling as described in RFC7231. Specifically, it decodes request bodies as described in section 3.1 and proactive content negotiation as described in sections 3.4.1 and 5.3.


Here's an example of testing a Tornado endpoint that asynchronously calls another service. In this case, the application interacts with with the /add endpoint of some other service. Testing in isolation can be tricky without having to have a copy of the service running. You could mock out the AsyncHTTPClient and return fake futures and what not but that has the nasty side-effect of hiding defects around how content type or headers are handled -- no HTTP requests means that you have untested assumptions.

The following snippet tests the application under test using the ServiceLayer abstraction that glinda.testing provides.

from tornado import testing
from glinda.testing import services

class MyServiceTests(testing.AsyncHTTPTestCase):

   def setUp(self):
      service_layer = services.ServiceLayer()
      self.service = service_layer['adder']
      # TODO configured your application here using
      # self.service.url_for('/add') or
      super(MyServiceTests, self).setUp()

   def get_app(self):
      return MyApplication()

   def test_that_my_service_calls_other_service(self):
         services.Request('POST', '/add'),
         services.Response(200, body='{"result": 10}'))
      self.fetch(self.get_url('/do-stuff'), method='GET')

      recorded = self.service.get_request('/add')
      self.assertEqual(recorded.method, 'POST')
      self.assertEqual(recorded.body, '[1,2,3,4]')
      self.assertEqual(recorded.headers['Content-Type'], 'application/json')

The application under test is linked in by implementing the standard tornado.testing.AsyncHTTPTestCase.get_app method. Then you add in a object and configure it to look like the services that you depend on by adding endpoints and then configuring your application to point at the service layer. When you invoke the application under test using self.fetch(...), it will send HTTP requests through the Tornado stack (using the testing ioloop) to the service layer which will respond appropriately. The beauty is that the entire HTTP stack is exercised locally so that you can easily test edge cases such as correct handling of status codes, custom headers, or malformed bodies without resorting to deep mocking.

